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    Concrete pumping

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  1. Thanks. Aren’t we on the same Ford forum? 🙂 Anyway, the MR is at Mack for other issues and when it gets back I guess I’ll tackle the ac. I moved that operator to a pump on a t800. Today was his first day with it alone and evidently something in the engine let loose and found it’s way into the turbo. Large invoice ahead. 😞
  2. Yes... it’s an MR with a concrete pump on it. Thanks for the answers.
  3. How can I get more air volume out of this ac? I know that coils need to be cleaned but does it work to add a booster fan inline somewhere or does that cause some problems with too much air across coil? Also it would be nice to reroute some air and build something to have it blow on my face more.... anybody tried this? I could build out of steel or maybe have a housing 3D printed.
  4. Would somebody have the part numbers to change exhaust manifold to the pre ai style for an MR? We had to have the camshaft replaced by Mack due to scoring on it so they put the older one in it. That’s been some months ago and I personally drove it today for the first time. It may have a bit more power but it’s hard to compare it after all this time. Now I’d like to change the exhaust manifold. Do I do the ends too or just the center piece?
  5. Thanks.
  6. Also, my truck has the fuel line plumbed out of the end of tank at bottom. I’m wondering if I’m picking up a lot of trash this way. It seems like filter would get more and more plugged though.
  7. Could a weak check valve on fuel return line affect my engine power?
  8. Thanks. I found out the engine I was interested in doesn’t have engine brake so I guess I’ll pass.
  9. Not all Allison’s will take a pto is my understanding...
  10. I’ve found an ai300 with much lower hours than my poor running 400. Are there physical differences between these engines besides injector nozzles? Are the pistons etc going to be different?
  11. Thanks
  12. Does this sound right to you guys? IMG_1203.MOV
  13. They changed the pump at front of engine and the regulator. They also programmed it to 400 from 350. I picked it up today. It’s better but still not as good as my heavier pump. It runs warmer too which doesn’t make much sense to me. What’s my next move? They put stock injector nozzles in. If I change to older style manifold and 5” after turbo will this help with back pressure and maybe some heat?
  14. They’ve changed the injector nozzles. And it still has low power. Fuel pressure test shows good pressure at idle but doesn’t go as high as it should when idled up. Any ideas?
  15. They did an injector cut out test or some such thing and it appears I may need all new nozzles. I suggested they change to 460 and change manifold and turbo too. 😄
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