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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Underdog

  1. Greg


    Sorry to hear of your damage

    hope 4 a speedy recovery

    Hope U take this the right way

    one wunders who assembled th@ tyre /rim...as eye'm sure when it twas last assembled there would have been a lot of rust on the lock rim contact part

    we always inspect n wire brush our rims B 4 assembly ..... our oldest rims R from WWII




    Absolutely hear where you're coming from. I've had this trailer 5 years but never worked on the wheels tires its been in my backyard with no registration. I just dragged it out a few months ago and started working on it. I don't have much history on previous owners but I did notice that someone put a new wheel stud and nut on that position. Hard to believe they didn't notice that wheel or have an issue with it last time the lug nuts were loose.

  2. Gregg.....I have a big antique truck crowd on facebook, and am also a member of (and also moderator for) a bunch of antique truck groups. With your permission, I'd like to share your story and photos. There are many folks out there who just don't realize how dangerous tire work can be. I will not identify you if you don't want me to. If you are OK with it, please have Vicki facebook message me the photos and I will write a brief story and get the word out. I hope you are healing well. -Yardo

    Info on the way, Randy. Feel free to use any photos and my name if it helps. Important message that needs to reach as many folks as possible.
  3. Gregg like I told Victoria on Facebook, if you guys need anything please don't hesitate to ask!!!! I'm glad you are relatively OK.......She says you are hell bent on going to York......Why don't you stay home and R & R man??? Macungie is less than a month away!!!

    Like I said.....Anything!!! I'm right down 33 from you guys!!!


    Thanks Yardo for the Facebook response and the kind words from all. I will catch up with you guys at the shows.


  4. Words of caution to anyone doing tire work, especially those with older equipment and split rims...



    Always, always deflate the tire BEFORE even removing lug nuts. I had no problem with the lock ring, as you can see the nuts and wedges are still on the hub, the rim itself broke in half. It was rusted and paper thin. It seems the wedges were holding the rim together.

    What you get if you are lucky is a hard lesson learned and a chance to educate others that it could have been a lot worse. 10 seconds before she blew, I had my head down there tapping the wedges. My kids run through the work area occasionally. That wheel could have broke on the road at anytime. I'm glad it was just me and I am still here to talk about it.


    My left knee took the brunt of it


    Never saw it coming.

    36 hours in the hospital and likely 2 weeks off work. Still feel very lucky.


  5. Sorry to hear about the bad luck Gregg. I hope you get to at least a ride around York Show. Joe D.

    Thanks everyone for well wishes... I will be in York somehow. Still not sure about driving the F model, but time will tell next couple days. I don't want to hijack this thread any further, but look for Underdog's Tire Safety Lesson new post soon.



    As others posted, sorry to hear of your accident. Sounds like it could of been worse. I get nervous when working around big heavy equipment. Hope you make it to York. I will have my goof cart so if you need a ride, let me know.

  6. What a bummer! You never know when something is going to jump up and bite you. Best wishes for a quick recovery and making it to York.

    Yeah, it sucks but it could have been way uglier. If that wheel let loose 10 seconds sooner, my head would have been next to it, as I had just got done with the lug nuts. Upon further inspection, the wheel was rusted paper thin. It could have gone anytime, even driving down the road. Glad it happened as it did, just me, nobody else got hurt.


  7. What did I say yesterday about having a good time no matter what?!? Right now I am in a hospital bed just out from knee surgery! WTH I had a trailer wheel Break in half today and hit me pretty hard. I was removing wheels/tires to do wheel bearings, just got done loosening lug nuts, tapped wedges loose then KABLAMMO!!! the wheel itself broke in two (half the wheel and lock ring still on the hub). The wheel and tire hit me as I was stepping away and my left knee took the brunt. Not how I was planning to spend my vacation week, but it could have been A LOT worse, and I am still determined to be in York in some capacity.

  8. trailer looks good- she did a nice job!

    Since Vicky has been working so hard and also putting up with me at the same time, I told her it would be alright that she could come to York with me. She's not too thrilled that we are getting up to go at 4am on Thursday, though. All part of the "full Trucker effect" I told her.
  9. Anything is possible if you have the time and the skills. I thought about putting side exhaust on my vision you can buy the side valance panels from a rawhide and they will mount to any CX or CH cab to give you the cutouts for the exhaust. I have seen Cx visions with the side exhaust from the factory.


    I have seen this CH from OH several times it has the step/tank setup you may like. This truck is older than 1999 as it has the flat cab roof and old style dashboard.

  10. Welcome, Mike! Lots of Mack info here, as well as fire apparatus. And no dumb questions, only dumb answers and dumber looks [emoji9]

    Nice looking fire truck looks solid.

    That would be a model E cab, a bit before my time, built sometime late '30s for about 10 years. Mack museum has awesome archives, if you send the serial number and a donation, you will get a wealth of info about your truck. Good luck and have fun!


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