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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Underdog

  1. Superdog, perhaps you could educate me, but my 1984 RW s/n 1364 had the older hood with round headlights. All other specs on this truck seem to match pretty close. I would say the hood was replaced on this truck? I actually prefer the old school look & feel of the first gen Superliners.

    Now if I could come up with the cash I'd be on my way to Wisconsin... My wife's aunt lives in Newton I would just tell her that is the purpose of the trip lol


  2. Ahhhhhhh now I understand!!!! Thank you Lads!!!

    Your comprehension skills are lacking lol don't you remember back in grade school we used to line up in three rows of 8 in alphabetical order by height according to age [emoji12]


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  3. I had a similar situation before Christmas with my car hauler. Narrow road about 20' of hardtop I moved right as far as possible to let another truck pass. Just slick enough and crowned enough the trailer slid sideways. Not a good feeling. A good recovery crew can keep a bad scene from getting worse. Shout out to Underwood's towing in Warren,OH for a job well done. Pulled a loaded transporter back up on the road no damage to truck or load.


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  4. Noise is in the ear of the beholder. I ran straight pipes on my vision for years. Sounded like sweet music to me inside the cab. didn't realize how loud it was until I was outside looking in with someone else driving Jake braking down the hill in Wind Gap. I found it rather annoying and I'm lucky I never attracted the attention of the local constabulary all those years. or maybe I'm just getting older.


  5. Funny, I've never seen your trucks until you posted a pic of yours and I saw that one less than a week later. I go past the Cruze plant at least 2-3 nights a week but the only activity I see from I-80 is the shift change if I happen to be passing by around 11:00.

    Cruze plant handled by Cassens Transport, orange trucks. Union plant serviced by Teamsters. We can't get near that kind of work. There is a railroad drop yard behind the plant where we pick up Nissans off the railhead.
  6. might wanna throw that CDB Saddle Tramp and Fire on the Mountain Cd in the ole player while your at it, and maybe hide the BeeGees one??

    Bee Gees is left over from my daughter lol when she was a baby she loved "Stayin' Alive". She would rock-n-roll in her crib to that one. Maggie is going to be 14 next month.


  7. When you have a company owner intent upon forcing e-logs on the drivers, it generally starts with a few "test units" in a small number of trucks. It is absolutely vital that those test subjects show a decrease in productivity and a decrease in revenue generated. If the company owner sees that these things will cost him money, he's less likely to push forward with it. 1-2 loads per week less...2-3 extra motel rooms per week...PER TRUCK! When the test dummies decide to find work-arounds so that they can continue to get the job done, the boss is almost guaranteed to push forward with the BS. Make it cost him money, so that expanding the implementation will cost him A LOT of money. Otherwise, you'll have a babysitter in the truck with you.

    Some companies have gone E-logs already (Jack Cooper, United Road). All drivers I have talked to say same thing... It WILL affect your productivity. I cannot understand any company volunteering for a loss in productivity. I guess that's why I'm not in charge. I truly believe that is why the government has not already mandated E-logs. The higher-ups somewhere understand that it would require 2x as many trucks to move the same amount of freight in this country, resulting in a LOSS of productivity AND safety. Look at the food distribution system in this country- livestock and produce. Time-sensitive freight mostly moved by small, independent truckers( not subject to E-logs) who can keep it moving.


  8. With auto transporters, there is a lot of on-duty time(line 4) loading & unloading more than driving. With that comes a lot of variables that can waste your time. Also, I run the I-95 corridor Baltimore, Philly, and NYC so traffic is an issue as well. We run daycabs too so finding a motel becomes an issue as well. A sleeper would allow me to be more productive, but the boss don't like sleepers because you give up one car per truckload. I guess I just go to the motel at 4pm and give up 1-2 truckloads per week.


  9. Looks like you have the makings for a tore up Monday if you're not careful with them things.

    I saw one of your trucks on I-79 nb near Pittsburgh the week before last. Pretty sure it was a Wednesday morning. I know it was 9:30 am because the truck went by as I was bitching to a co-worker about me still being on the road at the gawd awful hour of 9:30 am.

    We're all over,like dog poop. Something like 80 trucks on the road now. Out in western PA most likely out of our Lordstown, OH terminal.


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  10. Yeah we put a switch on the airline to the puff limiter on an E9 400 my dad had. All you need to do is shit the air supply to it off.

    Usually when you have excessive air supply a shit is not too far to follow.
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  11. I've seen a good number of these pictures involving dump trucks,and my question is this (and yes I HAVE driven a dump trailer) is HOW IN THE HELL CAN YOU NOT TELL/SEE THE BODY IS UP?????????????? effing ridiculous! do these guys not have mirrors on these trucks?...................................................Mark

    With 2 levers and a warning lamp IDK...

    A good idea on auto transporters is an interlock with the PTO and parking brake. I know it wouldn't work on a dump truck though.


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