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little puppy

Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by little puppy

  1. Any body know any good mack mechanics around Springfield, MO area, that works on the side? I'll pay good!
  2. Any body know any good mack mechanics around Springfield, MO area, that works on the side? I'll pay good!
  3. Gun Control is not nor has it ever been the problem. It is a big problem in out current society the everyone wants to blame something or someone else, stand up people and start holding ourselves and everyone responsible for or actions! YOU CAN NOT IDIOT PROOF THE WORLD!
  4. OK I replaced the sensor on top of the oil filter housing, I'll check these others, thanks!
  5. Good to know, my local dealer I don't trust for anything
  6. Its factory pigtail, it can only go one way, one end goes to the original pigtail other goes to the sensor.
  7. Where are you guys located?
  8. What does this upgrade cost, and how do I get it?
  9. It lays pipe for the oil fiends, it has a big book that goes on the sides
  10. C15 18spd rated 1850trq. This load grossed 149,000lbs. When we had motor custom built for heavy haul, installed a 2250trq clutch, motor dynoed 670hp on the ground. I personal drove this truck 2yrs, never broke it.
  11. I disagree, I've have a isx, and 2 c15's upgraded, I signed wavers for all, they wasn't under warranty. On both C15's. I upgraded the clutches for 2000 ftlb, eaton trans, are rated on the conservative side, of you drive it like you have a brain in your head your never break it. With a waver and no warranty, for them not to do it, is ridiculous on there part,
  12. yea, is making me seriously consider never buying another mack.
  13. 2011 MP8 1650trq. Eaton ultrasound 10spd I want to upgrade HP and bump trq. to 1850, local dealer submitted it to mack, they refused cuz of tranny, its not under warranty, I don't Care about tranny rating, I own it. Can any of you dealer guys tell me how to get around this issue? Do I have any options? I'll gladly sign a liability waver.
  14. 2011 mp8 def motor. 395k mls. Question ? If I already have the stainless/ conical injectors and seals, then if my motor runs good, why should I need to replace all the injectors? Can't I just do the cups? Thanks for any input.
  15. Its a mp8 2011, I replaced the pressure sensor and pigtail.
  16. I have DEF, only got 395k mls, I'm pretty sure I'm getting seals leaking, my local mack said I probably need all new injectors ext ext @ $6 grand. Truck runs great, so why do I need to change all 6 injectors if there not bad? Can't I just do new cup seals? Thanks for your help!
  17. I'm getting a code for oil cooler actuator, replaced the sensor and pigtail, now it says there's a short in harness or the actuator, can someone tell me where this is and what's involved in replacing it?
  18. would a 2011 mp8 be copper or conical? Thanks
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