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    Youngstown, OH

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    guns; restoring semi trucks; wintergreen Beechnut; Rolling Rock beer; history; anything cool!
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  1. What is the suggested torque spec for the both 7/8" and 1" trunnion stand-to-frame bolts (square or trapezoidal)? In fact, is there a link to an online site that would show all the torque specs for everything on the bogie/suspension - mainly for SS 38 44 and 50?
  2. Thanks so much for the help.. your input is much appreciated.
  3. Thank you for the info! Again, I've only had to deal with 4" bands so the wider ones threw me off. I figured it would have something do with hubs/wedges. Would it be the same theory behind hubs on Rockwell axles? And, is there a "standard" width used on Macks with the 22" hubs on Mack axles?
  4. On 20” and 22” Dayton hubs - What determines the width of the wheel spacer bands?? Most of what I have use 4” wide bands on 20” hubs, however I was organizing some stuff and came across 4.25” and 4.5” wide bands (some for 22” hubs). I just can’t recall how to know off hand when to use the 4.25” and 4.5” bands.
  5. I believe the guy above is correct.. you may have to fab up a mount for the front. I could be misinformed but I had always thought the RD had the beefed up frame but for the era of your trucks maybe a cab swap is possible.. do some investigating and take some measurements etc. As for the hood ?? And double check the 5 spd trans in each.. if they’re both the same model 5 spd such as TRL107 or TRL1076. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum so I’m sure you will get all the information you need.
  6. Attempting to identify a couple main/aux transmission setups. The ID tags are as follows: Main - Fuller 5H74T, Aux - 8031e....I'm guessing that the main is simply a 5 speed direct in 5th (looks like single countershaft), but is the 8031e an old spicer 3 speed aux transmission?
  7. Sounds great I'd appreciate that! It would help out a lot. I just sent you a message with my email address. Thanks!
  8. So the "64" would indicate a tandem axle truck, as in "six sets of wheels, four driven" (the four being the tandems)?
  9. Thanks for the example...yea, they seem a bit difficult to decipher. Trying to learn that secret code!
  10. Thanks that would be great! Keep me posted...
  11. On the old Autocar's of the 60s and 70s, how is the chassis/model number deciphered? For example DC10364SOH, DC9764OH, DC75T.....etc. I've tried searching online but could not come up with anything to help decipher all the different numbers for the different truck models.
  12. just an update...went to see Ed at Margala's and i found exactly what i needed, however he doesn't want to separate it from the truck. But, he said he's sure he's got a couple more similar he's just got to "find it". So he told me that he will get back to me in a day or two. Hopefully it works out so I can paint it and put up on the roof before the end of Oct for a show I'd like to go to. And WoW, it's difficult to see from the road but Margala's has a lot of trucks there. Never noticed until today. He had quite a few Ford Louisville's too.
  13. no problem, i appreciate your assistance
  14. just googled them to get a phone number to call in the AM, but it says permanently closed lol. i'll try the number anyway. but thank you for the message!
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