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Everything posted by MrDave

  1. Help: anyone know if aftermarket or a secret mack # for titan bumper(s) ? From my understanding, you have to remove complete bumper if you have to tow or hook-up. Have been chasing tail. Any help would be appreciated djabour@albanytrucksales.com
  2. HELP... looking for input yoke front rear,front drive. Any help would be appreciated. Of course A.S.A.P. If possible call of fax info.. 1-518-434-2177 fax 1-518-449-2961. Albany Mack. 38mu121p1 is obselete,doesnt seen to supercede. Mack museum hasnt responded. Thanks... Dave......... Ask for Tom or Mike
  3. If you can get an 11gb* number off block, might be able to identify from that also
  4. I hope the "mirror" guy isnt reading these posts. Or yous would be getting a time out or grounded
  5. Bummer, That didnt work either will try again Monday orig #
  6. Must be tommy and becky
  7. And to just think, some guys.... nevermind, good thing i skipped lunch.
  8. Hey Barry, Tried faxing most of day 02/05 to no avail. Another suggestion, Have local Mack Parts counter put that number in arrangment / assembly and print out. All I was doing. Will try again today. DAVE
  9. Basil, if you can post a fax # I can fax arrangement and parts list hopefully helpful
  10. There has been one MR pumper in and out of our shop. The programming problems have been with putzmeister (something like that) Only real issue has been with cooling package. This MR is amazing too, for an MR . Company that bought it has 1.5m into whole setup. Brake job alone would be a years salary,
  11. Try oldmacks.com Might be helpful or put you in proper direction. Good luck DAVE :mack1:
  12. Safest bet would be to have one of the "counter guys" at your local MACK dealer put in a changeover request form for you. If they will. will tell you all needed parts and so on. Good luck. DAVE
  13. Try this: www.ttruck.com/parts or 1-888-304-2786 toms truck center ud gmc hino isuzu shitsubishi iveco new used and blahhh blahhh blahhhh lol hope this helps DAVE
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