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  1. Any chance that Acela Monterra will be popular? The using of a proven military chassis looks great. But there are a lot of drawbacks: old cabin, weak engines, etc. Check the interior shoot. Looks like the interior of a MAN truck from 1980s. Modern construction trucks have much better handlings, interior and more spacious cabins. Image copyright to Trucksplanet
  2. Please check the www.trucksplanet.com website. There is a full history of Mack, including USA, Australian, UK, French and Germany Mack. I hope it will be interesting for you. Enjoy it.
  3. What can you say about this information. I found it on Iranian Yellow Page: Iran Kaveh Industrial Company Iran Kaveh Industrial Company was established in 1964 to assemble American "Mack" trucks. The company started assembling operations since 1968, however, after Islamic Revolution interrupted relations with the USA caused sharp decrease in production so that the manufacture of "Mack" finally ceased in 1983. Then, this company engaged merely in producing different types of trailers, and dump trucks, but in 1988 it established new set of cooperation with Swedish "Volvo" company to manufacture "Volvo F12" trucks. In 1999, Iran Kaveh merged with SAIPA and formed SAIPA Diesel Manufacturing Group. Could it be this company?
  4. And who was the improter of Mack in Iran?
  5. Who can help with this Mack`s. Who was producing it? What is the strange cab on it?
  6. This French Mack is probably made with Bernard company. This foto from Paris Show in 1964. I think this is prototype, and only one pcs made. Who knows more information about this truck? Model? Engine?
  7. Anybody knows information about this Mack? I`m not sure that model`s name "Manager" - I have found it on hank`s web site. It`s australian model.
  8. On Hank`s Truck Pictures I have found this Mack L-series - . Author says that it is 1954 Mack LK2DM. But I can`t find any information about series LK. Can you help me with this?
  9. I have found one more picture of HMM mixer!!!
  10. Do you have scans of it from this book?
  11. Thank you so much. I found only one picture (very small) from brochure.
  12. Does anybody know more information about this truck? What is the name of model?
  13. Anybody has pictures of Mack HMM - half-cab mixer chassic?
  14. Thank you for answer. I can see on this site only register. No description about models.
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