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Pedigreed Bulldog
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    Roebling,n.j. 08554

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    model fire trucks ,restore fire trucks

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  1. nice project truck & at 72 on way home when purchased. I like your pole building ,I would bet it is a Morton and I wish I had the same truss arrangement on the 2 I built at my son's property . I have a 54 LS85 Mack fire pumper in it
  2. Nice tractor,so I guess it is not diesel , what about the tiller section ?
  3. we put Daytons on my 54 Mack with 20'' spokes and 1100 x22.5 radials (chinese) what a difference . did all 6 wheels ,no more split rims ,
  4. Just a suggestion after you get the carb straightened out is change the points to electronics in the distributors and make sure the coils are good . If you have positive ground the Petronic (brand name) have to be for positive ground also
  5. the spring melt in April in Allentown PA . from 1940 to 1954 their are 3 different types I believe
  6. James I have been down the road your on ,I have a 1954 Mack LS85 open cab , had a off frame started in 2009 took 2 years and lots of $$$$ plus . will never get money back out of it but didn't care. got many awards ,plaques, trophy's etc. , At musters I put up signs "Judges please Do Not Judge " . My current project is my fire company's 1934 Seagrave Suburbanite ,started as group project but just me now ,have a budget (small) trying to do most of work inhouse cleanup grease little rust etc. .will have to repower ,hydra brakes, wiring ,fuel system , lighting, just to make presentable , slow process but that's my goal and will send out to repower .
  7. Posted this inquire before looking again for B & C rubber pedal pads for 50's era L models , tried Watts, Cal Little, John Chambers no luck . thanks
  8. Hey that is Awesome! a great idea for some of the old items I have
  9. posting photos will spark more interest and we can see what you have
  10. could it have been a repower?
  11. he is still checking all suggestions out with truck
  12. My buddies 50 Mack LS 85 fire pumper ,everything was ok then truck needed to be jumped to start , park truck , no battery to start jump again , has 2 12 volt batteries, where to trouble shoot first ,batteries are newer. is it the voltage regulator ,generator/alternator ,rectifier , all wiring looks good .don't know if ammeter is good yet
  13. look in the doghouse( engine compartment), under the seats , pump panel interior , compartments on fire body
  14. come on guys the socket is only $15. e-bay and I'll have in my hand in 3days.
  15. that is the first fire Mack nozzle I ever saw and have been around fire equipment over 50 years , I been looking for a Mack Fire extinguisher for a long time they are worth 1K if nice condition
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