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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. we put Daytons on my 54 Mack with 20'' spokes and 1100 x22.5 radials (chinese) what a difference . did all 6 wheels ,no more split rims ,
  2. Just a suggestion after you get the carb straightened out is change the points to electronics in the distributors and make sure the coils are good . If you have positive ground the Petronic (brand name) have to be for positive ground also
  3. the spring melt in April in Allentown PA . from 1940 to 1954 their are 3 different types I believe
  4. James I have been down the road your on ,I have a 1954 Mack LS85 open cab , had a off frame started in 2009 took 2 years and lots of $$$$ plus . will never get money back out of it but didn't care. got many awards ,plaques, trophy's etc. , At musters I put up signs "Judges please Do Not Judge " . My current project is my fire company's 1934 Seagrave Suburbanite ,started as group project but just me now ,have a budget (small) trying to do most of work inhouse cleanup grease little rust etc. .will have to repower ,hydra brakes, wiring ,fuel system , lighting, just to make presentable , slow process but that's my goal and will send out to repower .
  5. Posted this inquire before looking again for B & C rubber pedal pads for 50's era L models , tried Watts, Cal Little, John Chambers no luck . thanks
  6. Hey that is Awesome! a great idea for some of the old items I have
  7. posting photos will spark more interest and we can see what you have
  8. could it have been a repower?
  9. he is still checking all suggestions out with truck
  10. My buddies 50 Mack LS 85 fire pumper ,everything was ok then truck needed to be jumped to start , park truck , no battery to start jump again , has 2 12 volt batteries, where to trouble shoot first ,batteries are newer. is it the voltage regulator ,generator/alternator ,rectifier , all wiring looks good .don't know if ammeter is good yet
  11. look in the doghouse( engine compartment), under the seats , pump panel interior , compartments on fire body
  12. come on guys the socket is only $15. e-bay and I'll have in my hand in 3days.
  13. that is the first fire Mack nozzle I ever saw and have been around fire equipment over 50 years , I been looking for a Mack Fire extinguisher for a long time they are worth 1K if nice condition
  14. Also most likely came from a volunteer company ( coat & boot rails)
  15. I can tell by looking at the body that is original Mack ,has a 500 gal.tank , 4 21/2 discharges, maybe a poly tank (guess)
  16. Hi , just like so of the other guys mentioned go for the dayton rims ( the split rims are dangerous) , I had a steer tire rim fail cut the tube ,the rim was rusted out at the locking ring on inside which you could not see ,luckly was turning slow in front of my firehouse and had spare at my garage and a large floor jack inside the station. 6 new rims and 6 new radials (chinese) tubless on my 54 L Mack 1100 x 22.5 and what a difference in ride and no split rims even they where so called 'Safety Rims'
  17. Really nice Mack L , I want through the same process on my 54 L pumper, www.whitepost.com in Virgina cost about $700.to rebuild the hydrovac, changed all tires and rims to Daytons rims and 1100x20 radials (better ride) after I had a flat on the steer tire ,the locking rim was very rusted out and dangerous,so what would the others look like ? came from snow country Changed the oil filter system from the old sock canister (only filters about 10% of your oil) to a spin-on,you have to make a bracket easy to do , I can send a photo to your phone. also changed the points in dists. to Petronics( electronic) ,must be made for positive ground if that is what you still have. Changed the batteries from 4- 6v to 2 -12 volt
  18. fd2721 send me your mailing address and I'll send you a copy to hinoki22@comcast.net
  19. My email is hinoki22@comcast.net, I have a 54 LS . did a off frame in 2009 to 2011, send your address
  20. or you could weight it empty and full (3750# full if 500gal.)
  21. with a Mack with a 1000gal .tank it would have a double compartment doors on the body & single doors (like yours) for a 500 gal tank ,hope that makes sense. my son has a 71 CF 1000 gal tank . It was purchased new by the fire co we belong to ($42k in 71) .he & his a friend purchased it about 10 years ago. It does not have the original Mack body, the fire co had Grumumn rehab body in the 90's
  22. with 36k miles the engine is not even broke in yet, it looks to be very very clean , many of the Mack of the 70's had bad steel bodies ,looking at yours it looks great. I can tell it has a 500 gal tank most likely, also the rear body is Mack original ( the aluminum over the compartments has rounded corners ). Did you get a good deal on it? Tires look great ,I'm sure the front disc brakes was an upgrade later . take good care of her.
  23. looks like your rear mount ladder & body where not made by Mack but possibly Maxim
  24. try Cal Little in Hummelstown ,Pa. 717-566 -8973
  25. when I had my mechanical fuel pump rebuilt same issue would not start ,we had to pressurize the fuel tank to start (tank was all the way in rear. It could be you have air in the fuel line etc. how about disconnect line from carb and crank over to see what it looks like .
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