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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. that would be so sad to remove the fire body, it has to be saved as a fire truck. I already have a open cab 'L' mack ,no fun driving in the rain
  2. I use Conden & Scully Moorestown ,n.j. they only do classic and antiques vehicles
  3. I know it's not a Mack ,craigs list in south jersey (Beverly) $4500. a friend looked at it and said it's all their.
  4. how do I post a photo of my 'L' pumper on this site?
  5. my e-mail is hinoki22@comcast.net on the mack extinguisher
  6. I needed a roof ladder to go with the wooden extension ladder, had a friend in the club make one of fir and with all the hardware. Still looking for a Mack extinguisher.
  7. try the Spring Melt in Allentown and then Pump primers in Harrisburg both in Pa.
  8. glade to hear you got the mack back, now the fun begins
  9. where do you purchase Frame Saver paint?
  10. I hope it wasn't the chromed type diamond plate (it would be harder to do). I would try a small area using a Brillo pad (has soap in it to lube area)if it is just regular alum. dp.
  11. how many gal.water tank and is it a 'T' type tank ,any leaks?
  12. 609albert


  13. 609albert


    each 2 1/2 discharge rated at 250gpm ,so it appears to be a 750 gpm. my LS85 has a 400 gal poly tank that we put in to replace the steel 400 that had 40 holes in it.
  14. never saw that show ,is it on history or discovery ?
  15. Looks like Mack and ALF country ,GREAT
  16. yelp that's my next step ,get some steel and start to weld and hammer.
  17. looking for the inside windshield support for a 50's era LS85 mack the piece is attached to the inside center section with 4 screws on each side and a bolt down on the bottom that fastens to the dash
  18. yes ,I also saw it at Andy Leider's open house
  19. I saw the super pumper in Middletown N.Y. on aug.14 2016 at the SPAAMFAA convention ,the mack did a special visit to Andy Leider place .(he has over 500 fire trucks
  20. hope Carl sees this ,he might be interested
  21. no I didn't take the L mack , that place is over the top, wall to wall trucks, it was a great event, meet a lot of friends and made new ones.the super pumper was awsum thanks yarnall for the raditor
  22. Anyone going to the convention in Middletown N.Y. this week . the big draw will be Andy Lieder warehouse with over 400 fire trucks in HIS collection .
  23. looks like a plan
  24. As I think I talked about before insulate the inside of your pole barn after the electric goes in and then put the steel skin to finish.we put the 1st Morton up in 2006 42x52 no insulation or skin inside ,2nd Morton in 2014 42x60 insulated and skin ,had to connect with a hallway 5x12 which we did. with 12'' in ceiling and 6 in walls it is 15 to 20 warmer in winter and a lot cooler in the summer.
  25. also you can put in RV antifreeze in the pump if you don't have any leaks ,my 750 mack takes about 12 gal. ,if the pump is left dry for any length of time rusting will start
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