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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. I would have been interested in it if had the original Mack body on it.
  2. anybody going to Macungie this coming week?
  3. we where lucky we had put up a 42 x52 pole bldg. 3yrs. before we got our 54 Mack to house landscape equip., started to get too small so last year we put up another 42 x 60 and connected together with a hallway ,this one will be insulated and finished off on the interior ,to keep the dust off the truck
  4. nice looking MC ,did it come from New Jersey?
  5. fxfymn is exactly correct about you mack, I have a 54 LS 85 ,paid more than I should have, put more money in than I should have,but I would never part with it, it's like my child. but anyhow the body looks like a sedan model (more rare) Mack engines are strong and you have new brakes ,that's good. join spaafam and their is a great muster coming up in june in Jamesburg n.j. (exit 8a on the njtp) I'll be their with my mack , a lot of macks and others on display or pumping.
  6. Is your Mack gas or diesel, air brakes ,power steering ,etc.?
  7. I've been on a few truck committees also ,Mack,KME, etc., Pay attension detail , will look for more progress at the site.
  8. on the chrome rails fxfymn on this site, set me up with a connection to get them, good quality and cheap.
  9. try Cal Little 717-566-8973 he is in Hummelstown ,Pa. Also John Chambers 717-334-8709 Also try NAPA .I know they are hard to come by ,had to replace one on my Mack ,as I remember they are fine external thread. let us know how you find one
  10. Welcome to the site, as you work on your truck make a list of parts you may need and post on the site,many parts are interchangeable with several manufactures especially trucks built during the war yrs. their is really a lot of guys here that have knowledge and locations for parts. good luck
  11. I would put a used 237 Mack diesel in it if I was doing it
  12. the exhaust manifold I think is actually 3 pieces pressed together. Matt did my '54 LS85 in 2011 ,he has all the equipment ,tools & parts to work on Macks.
  13. I see you have the fenders off , radiator supports etc.,how far are you going to take it down?
  14. looks like in very good condition, and a single axle ,is that more rare?
  15. I have a 54 LS85 (semi-open cab) ,nice parade truck ,but not so nice when weather is bad, my next truck will have a Roof on it.
  16. UPS also used some of this trucks, I have a neat model of one, used by several furniture companies also on the east coast.
  17. nice looking Mack , I would agree it is E, in Pa. several rescue bodies where built by a co. called Harwick, known for their rounded body corners . Wyndwood (sprinfield twp) Pa .just had their 58 'B' mack restored last year ,it has a Harwick body and was built as a rescue with a pump on it .It really ahead of it's time
  18. hope you keep it ,it looks to be in good shape and very rare , was the roof a Mack product
  19. hey that for me ,shifting on the left....I'm left handed
  20. fxfymn should be able to help you , he'll see your post ,just wait a little
  21. Guys from Quakertown ,n.j. looking for their old 73 'R' Mack pumper /grumnem body ,last was sold to Stewart County fire rescue ,Tenn.in 2001. they would like to get back.
  22. yarnell ,get me the part #,is it a NAPA or ? my 54 85L has 40K miles on it ,don't want to get stuck sometime on the road.thanks
  23. by the looks of the building in the background I'd say it is in a out of the U.S.A.
  24. also a small hole to pull out
  25. I made the new board 201/2'' wide to install & remove easier
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