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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. Are these tail lights on a cast bracket and are the lights in a chrome housing ,the lense was round and the outer plastic ring was reflective. I also tried to locate this type of light for my 54 mack, I think they where a Dietz brand ,couldn't find a decent set. If any place to find them it might be Macungi Pa. truck show.
  2. a diesel mechanic told me not to use ether, but instead use WD 40, it works
  3. also that's a nice pole building you have , we have a 42x52 Morton and are in the process of putting up an addition 42x60 for more MACKs of course.
  4. just wondering if BECK built the Cinninatti cab.
  5. yes ,I saw it looks kind of beat and I would like a good fire body with it, not many around.
  6. Don ,you are the authority on the C models ,I meet you at the summer convention in n.j. , I'm still looking for a R model pumper to go with my LS85 . Al from n.j.
  7. don't know where your macks are ,but we need someone to start a national registrarty on at least the macks
  8. I know I got off track with the Hall -Scott engine ,but the hood on an LS85 is 46'' long in the center and pumper with the H-S are about 11''longer.
  9. I would bet that with the 1250 pump, you'll have a hall-scott engine ,and with that engine the hood is 11''longer that a'L' with the 707 c.i. mack , I'll measure my hood tomorrow. my fuel tank is at the rear of the truck under the frame and has a the standard mechanical pump on the engine.
  10. the LS 125 is that the hall-scott engine? 1000 or 1250 gpm pump ? at this point I can't even guess what the switch does,but I would like to know also.
  11. looks like 2 wires on the switch ,1 has to be power ,the other to the light and taps off (if you have 2 brake lights). the easiest way I have found to solve electrical problems is with a temporary jumper, run a wire to a battery ,put an alagator clip on the other end ,take it back to the switch and clamp on 1 or the other studs ,before doing all this, check if the truck is run on positive ground or negative .if it is negative (like most MACKS) connect jumper to a negative terminal.
  12. carl really hit the target on the restoration and be careful you don't make a museum piece ,that might take the fun out of the ' hobby'.
  13. do the fender lights have red lenses? my first mack (a 47 ) they came on with the headlights. your wiring might have been changed if not orginial wiring.
  14. not withstanding ,we did go overboard on the resto, but I wanted a Fire Engine that was going to be dependable ,etc. and I was only going to do 1 truck at that time, (since then if I see a good 'R' model the 'L' might have a friend). And also it what YOU want, and yes I'll never get the $ back we have into the rig ,but that's fine.....
  15. could be 2 possible items ,bad brake light switch , brake light housing not making contact with the body, (macks had a positive ground system) ,also are the bulbs o.k. and check the wiring. let us know what you find causing the trouble.
  16. thanks guys for all the great comments and especially to my friend carl (fxfymn) . the mack was orginal to laurelton f.d. n.y. sold to pete jorgenson in 1994 ,pete was a collector of fire apparatus he owned FIRETEC selling used fire trucks ,sold that business and started FIRE APPARATUS MAGIZINE, we purchased the mack in 2009 after promising pete we would take good care of it,it was the last truck in his collection ,he was dying from cancer. we purchased the truck in june and he passed on in September. we did a off frame restoration which took 2 years.the engine had 39k miles,good condition. new brake system, new wiring, new paint and gold work, new seats ,some rechroming and a new 400gal. poly tank
  17. I'm with carl ,their are fire companies getting new trucks ,recycle your old trucks to companies that would be very happy to receive, a lot of the trucks wind up overseas, lets keep them here and some day they will be antiques and ready again for a new home. maybe their is a clearing house out their for this cause.
  18. rollintall62 what are the NAPA #'s for the wheel cyl. and are the fronts and rears the same #, thanks in advance
  19. Just got a letter from the New Jersey MVC concerning CDL ,they list 4 categories to chose from,if you chose category 1 or 3 you must submit a medical certificate. If you chose category 2 or 4 you don't need the medical certificate. Anyway, everytime I read the letter I get a different meaning , I guess I'll just get a physical exam and be done with it.
  20. my vote would be to keep it,and at 10K you would be giving it away. good luck
  21. this is an interesting idea, I have a 54 L 85 ,we completely restored the brake system,hydrovac ,master ,wheel cyls all new lines etc,and put a power steering unit in., is nice ,but you always think if you could put the body on another mack frame with air, disel and faster and better than 5mpg.
  22. when you inspect the truck ,look under the frame ,especially if saw duty in snow areas, check brake lines over, the 1st parade I had my 54 mack in I lost the brakes, nursed it home , 1 brake line completely rusted out ( easy to replace but it could have been really bad). probably will have to rebuild your hydrovac.
  23. anyone know the approximate weight of a CF and R model fire trucks ,without water in the tanks, hopefully under 26,000.
  24. carl ,that's a great project you going to be doing and I know it will look great. what state did you but it in? AL
  25. maybe we can get Harvey Eckard to write a new book 'Where are the MACKS Now' sounds like a great idea, everybody knows where some are.
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