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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. and Alan Brunacini has a LS125 mack
  2. NAPA will also have axle seals , also check the vent on top of your rear axle that it is not blocked ,if it's blocked the pressure will push oil out the wheel seals ...... NOT GOOD
  3. cal also has tons of mack fire truck parts, call him with your list.
  4. cal little was reproducting the badges for the center strip on the MACKS ,he is listed on the mack parts list from the mack museum,he is in Hummelstown ,PA.
  5. road trip ,I would be interested in at least 1 to place on my 54 LS85 ,what are the condition of them etc.? my email is hinoki22@comcast.net
  6. If you find a mack one usually chrome ,that's a FIND now.and mo $$$
  7. start with what state and town was the picture in.
  8. try matt phafls in conneicut,he had 2 LS out in his bone yard,his ad is on this site somewhere
  9. what is the serial # of your 54, I have #1709 1954 LS85 ,last of 23 made before the change -over to the B
  10. thanks loadstar on the L MACK , right off the jersey tp at exit 6 ,your welcome anytime. AL
  11. I believe the 1000 and 1250 pumps required the hall -scott engine to supply the additional H.P. for the larger pump and the hood is actually 11" longer than a regular 'L'. you have to get Harvey Eckard's book on L model macks ,try amazon or ebay for it. Also check the spaamfaa website often for L's ,that's where I found mine.
  12. come up to the spaamfaa national muster on aug. 3 2013 at cooper river park in Pennsauken,n.j. you will see a lot of 'L's their and you may get some leads talking to people, large vendor turnout also. check out the host orginazition CRADLE OF LIBERTY ANTIQUE FIRE APPARATUS ASSOC.
  13. yelp loadstar has it for backing up ,hand on bottom of steering wheel move hand in direction you want trailer to go... SIMPLE
  14. hey Charlie, just wash it off load on your trailer and bring it to the national muster in n.j. as is.
  15. yes, that's a neat B he has, been down to my place in Florence ,n.j. and it was cool to see his rig taking off from a stop.
  16. I'm with you 1958 f.w.d. ,been in the fire service since 1963, we lost a group of great guys that day ,we pray for them and their families.
  17. yarnall ,I talked to you at Macungie last month, hope you can bring some of your apparatus to the national muster in Pennsauken /cherry hill n.j. ,I'll have our 54 LS their
  18. markanello ,what is the history of your C mack , how did it get to phoenix ,ar. I have visited alan brunicina and his 52 L mack 2 yrs ago when in phoenix.
  19. hi Charlie ,hope you can help fireflem with parts, someone posted pic's from Macungie and their was a photo of a 'L' with an articulated boom and basket on it ,it must of came late Friday or Saturday but I didn't see it ,kind of ODD. AL
  20. Is it still in service?
  21. my 1954 LS85 only has 3 and it is a 750 pump , you may have gauge(s) for your booster reel(s) ,I'll be at the SPAAMFAA national muster on aug.3 ,plenty of mack going to be their
  22. loadstar, what size pump do you have with all those gauges ?
  23. wow !that was a pretty good crease in the fender, did a nice job banging it out, lead ....what is that ,but that the correct way to do it, I used to do lead work in the electic utility industry,mostly wipeing up to 7'' lead sleeve, after I retired they stopped doing lead work ,all crimps and shrinks now.
  24. here is another mix that I have used Rustoleum mix silver ,light gray, and gloss white mix in even proportions , also you can clear coat for better protection. If you just use silver it will rub off on your fingers after drying. just try the 3 mix on a steel sample and adjust to your liking
  25. bring it to the national muster at cooper river park in Pennsauken , n.j. aug3 2013 also you can join the cradle of liberty antique fire assoc ( check the website) we have a lot of mack in the group and it is a great source of info and help
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