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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. nice photos , the cradle of liberty antique fire apparatus is hosting the spaamfaa national fire apparatus muster aug 3 2013 at cooper river park Pennsauken n.j.
  2. Charlies correct about brake lines ,on my first parade after getting our 54 mack one of the steel brake lines corroded in half ,nursed it home ,luckly I was local, the rubber lines are available at nappa.
  3. is the fuel pump for sale, looking for a spare
  4. looks like you have a rectifier (most fire trucks had them) to balance load from Lights,siren etc. I know they sometimes burn out, try Ebay for a replacement or a starter /generator shop in your area. hope that helps
  5. as fxfymn said join a club , if you had L' and B' knowledge you are valuable , if you just like them that's great too. we are having the national muster at cooper river park in Pennsauken ,n.j. on aug 3 ,2013 ,will have many trucks their( I'll have my totally restored LS85 their).
  6. paul : I eye balled the step plates today , looks like a match , can't wait to polish them up. would you have a fuel pump for a 707 (1954), also if you send me your e-mail I'll send a photo of the mack. AL e-mail hinoki22@comcast.net
  7. hi paul ,bought some items from you on sunday , the 2 mack fender plate steps (hope they fit) and some other items for my L mack that previously owned by pete j. I'll keep in touch . AL
  8. you really have to check out NFPA rules on apparatus replacement to be certified usually 20 years.
  9. I would be interested in the fuel pump, what do you want for it?
  10. hey bigrigclassics , if you need the '85' for your 'L', cal little makes new ones ,he is in Hummelstown pa.
  11. sounds like an april fools joke to me.....!!
  12. maybe the spring melt in Allentown, also I had some mack stick-on decals made from a guy ,had the bulldog with fire helmet and mack logo like the orginials ,I used one on my 'L' on the dash over one of the gauge spots
  13. the rear fender step plates you have ,will they fit an 'L' and what row will you be on?
  14. thanks for all the info, I'll probably go with a trophy shop to make up new plates ,only need about 10 pieces
  15. anyone know of a company that would reproduce the aluminum name plates on a pump panel i.e. PUMP TO TANK, OPEN, CLOSE, BOOSTER REEL , PUMP PRIMER , etc.
  16. looks good .....keep it out of the mud.....
  17. your former R's where great looking trucks ,Ihope they are still in service or at least someone preserving them.
  18. I think the mack tiller was at MATT PFAHL'S in ct. getting work done.
  19. give me instructions on posting a photo ....... thanks
  20. looks like a real work truck..... maybe they called it a DMLS85 mack ( the DM was a mack code for dump/mixer ,had front fenders like that. my mack has 2 deluge cannons that the previous owner installed ,told me it was a boston thing.I'll try to post
  21. you saying you need a fuel tax number and sticker for antique truck with antique plates .......?
  22. that's a great looking mack ,my company had a 72, was the best truck we ever had including all the new apparatus we have now, I pumped with it for 9 hrs straight in 1980 and didn't miss a beat. The CRADEL OF LIBERTY chapter of SPAAMFAA Iis hosting the national antique fire muster this summer in south jersey(cherry hill). bring your mack down.....
  23. hi Charlie , looks like some good parts ,I don't need anything ,but I'll ask friends if they do. will you be a the spaafam national meet in jersey? AL
  24. hose clamps, pry bars, hose repair devices( made of brass or steel, nozzels mounted on running boards, and like F.W.D. said if you need equipment go to Allentown spring melt.
  25. my company allows beer at a meeting ,but if you drink you don't get on the truck period ... we merged 3fire co;s and 2 rescue squads into 1 company and a new 4M building in 2006 . Before the 2 other co's had bars,not the best thing for the town or the people we protect,just my 2 cents....
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