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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. send me your home address, I will make a copy of my wiring diagram from the Mack Museum and mail to you. my email is hinoki22@comcast.net
  2. Also their might be a fuse in line before the terminal box , who knows how electrical things where do in the past, just keep at it and narrow the feed down . Keep the group posted on your findings
  3. Paul said it best ,start with the test lamp probe. their should be a junction box on the firewall (in engine compartment) with the main power switch on the box (terminat) should have power. check the positive & ground connections . It sounds like their is no power to the junction box . I would try connecting a jumper wire (#10 ) from the negative side of battery to the junction box.
  4. where is it now
  5. A Mack Fire Extinguisher is very hard to come by .and usually priced @ 1K, good luck in your find
  6. try Cal Little in Hummelstown Pa. 717 -566-8973 Also a company called White Post in Va. can rebuild them
  7. are you running on both sets of ignition system ? try 1 set and the the #2 set. which runs smoother ? I run my Mack fire truck usually on both. Also I install electronics in the distributors ,If you ever decide to do that you have to use a positive ground unit ,no big deal. never have to set points again. I used Petronic brand. Also is your fuel good?
  8. anyone know where to purchase rubber brake & clutch pedal pads or is their a crossover that will fit . the size is 3 3/4 wide x 2 at the ends &2 1/2 in the center ( oval shape)
  9. I will be watching for an answer as my fire co .has a 1957 Maxium fire truck with the same problem (a lot of play in the driveshaft)
  10. try CAL Little near Hersey Pa. 717-566-8973 Also John Chambers 717-334-8709 (8 -`0 RINGS CAN'T HEAR WELL)
  11. on my LS85 1954 fire pumper we kept the spoke wheels , new dayton rims, new radials 1100 x 22.5 what a difference in ride (tubeless) and much safer
  12. Anyone know where to purchase new brake & clutch rubber paddle pads for an L model ?
  13. was the Fire Body built by Mack in Allentown Pa.? are you on the west coast or was it original to a west coast fire dept.or co. ?
  14. the Hall -Scott where used for high pumping ability because a Mack engine in that time period was not large enough, used mostly on the west coast fire depts.. I HAVE A 1954 LS85 Mack 750 gpm pump but if a dept ordered a Hall -Scott because of the larger engine the hood is actually 11'' longer
  15. Hey John S. , young Joel Bains has a Mack CF with Aearilscope former Port Norris ,N.J. ,I don't have a contact number him can you find him?
  16. Do you have a MACK fire extinguisher (chrome) ? post some photos please
  17. wide rims & tires on the rear ,is that a west coast thing
  18. do you have Mack spoke type or Budd wheels ? my previous reply I had spoke wheels and the new daytons fit right on the hubs no problem ,painted light gray can't really tell the difference,all about safety
  19. 2 years ago changed all 6 on my 54 LS85 to 1100 x 22.5 tubeless Radials with new dayton rims what a difference and no dangerous split rims
  20. try Cal Little in Hummelstown Pa. 717-566-8973, Also do a post on the Antique form on Big Mack Trucks as the 707 engines used on Macks other than fire apparatus
  21. don't know where you are located but Cal Little can help with several items,the Mack fire extinguisher good luck with that item $1k if you can find a good one
  22. very neat, I studied the photo closely then read the buy line and was set-back to see that it was in fact a model, it does look very real
  23. horn button not the problem, horn bracket too much paint ,not grounded , filed paint off ,FIXED
  24. are the rotors moving when you turn the engine over ? I think actual any coil might work to start temporary . also Macks work on a positive ground system
  25. what is the trick to remove the horn button on the steering wheel on my 1954 'L'model ?
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