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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. cool truck you are going to build , In that last photo is your mack wrecker actually lifting the other wrecker......?
  2. I looked at my LS85 today and yes it has the 2 smaller wire on the top rear of the alternator , couldn't tell where they go cause they are in cloth wire loom, but I did look at my MACK wiring diagram and it appears that the small wire closest to the engine goes to the rectifier and is shown as a ground wire connection ,the outboard wire goes to the voltage regulator. to be sure I would use a continuity testor (flash light with 2 wires) and check to get a light from the wire to a ground point on the engine . hope this helps
  3. working on connecting up a dual bank BATTERY TENDER on my mack fire truck it has 2sets of batteries and wiring it up with plugs to connect & disconnect.
  4. yea I hear you carl ....the divorce would cost more than the truck....
  5. the jersey guys really know how to put their tankers (now called tenders) together, we have some of the best looking truck in the country.
  6. I'll have my 54 LS85 mack their too, see you their,I was at the meeting in phila on sunday....
  7. fxfymn , I also was thinking of the same thing that you suggested ,a circuit breaker in line before the one on the firewall. thanks to ALL
  8. actually it goes to the soleonoid and then the starter.....
  9. I mostly run on both distributors ,seems to run a little smoother but they where designed to run on one set at a time. As far as the new wires ,you might try using a stiff 'fish' wire to get through the tubing to put the new wire through.
  10. the incoming cable comes from the cole/harst selector switch (either a or b set of batteries), then other side of fuse to the starter,I have to check that for sure tomorrow.
  11. I have a 54 mack LS85 ,during restoration lost the main cartridge fuse that was on the firewall in the porclian holder ,which I still have, just need to know size rating of the fuse and where to purchase, I;ve tried a 30 amp fuse and it blows, probably need a 50 or 60 amp but can't find one in the small diameter to fit into the holder.
  12. louie : also depends somewhat on where your fuel tank is located,some L 's where above the pump, more gravity, some at rear between frame rails,farther to push fuel ,abetter pump. I had a 47 L fuel tank above pump had an electric pump right near tank it was a mr. gasket and it burned out on me replaced it with another mr. gasket (cheapy) sold the truck soon after.If I was going to keep it would have looked for a better replacement, also be careful how it is wired in to the system.
  13. yes pete Jorgensen owned that B sedan ,don't know what happened to it thought, I purchased petes 1954 L 85 MACK ,the last truck in his collection in june of 2009, he passed away 3 months later , our MACK was also lettered TUNBRIDGE ,we did a off frame restoration that was completed in November 2012. he also had a collection of JOHN DEERE tractors.
  14. the collector that has your mack in n.y. first name ANDY ???
  15. after you get the batteries going ,you might want to look into a 'BATTERY TENDER' to maintane the batteries ,they have several kinds check out their website, I'm planning on connecting one on my LS85 ( www.batterytender.com)
  16. Try Cal Little ,Hummelstown,pa 717-566-8973 he has a lot of mack fire truck parts. Also try john chambers cashtown ,pa 717-334-8709 good luck
  17. carl ,I only would need one side to do, a double rail stanchions and end pieces will work.
  18. as BULLDOG said don't let vehicles touch, I installed a plastic caution tag on my mack fire truck as a warning and instructions for jump starting.
  19. just a thought...... the front fender looks like the commercial line ,mack did sell some chassics without the fire body and then the fire dept. or dealer would have a fire body put on it, I have seen a few.
  20. mike ,are you looking for all data on macks ,I have a LS85 #1709 1954 mack 750 pump
  21. carl , a 2 rail set would be fine ,just would need the end attachments & stanchions etc.
  22. carl ,looking for the center stanions, and end pieces that would be on a 50's era mack, I could get them rechromed if needed, and then get a set of rails from clothing racks,I think you said they are the same dia. thanks ,AL
  23. FXFYMN where you at the allentown mack museum event with your mack? if so where did you get the chrome rails for the boot &coat racks? I did talk with you about them but didn't get info.
  24. louie : some off the equipment might have been mounted at the firehouse as to where the officers wanted 'loose' items mounted, also some of the gold leaf was applied right at the firehouse also. I went to the mack truckoctober truck fest at the mack museum in allentown pa. it was really a good time their was about 10 mack pumpers their and at least 100 mack tractors. I understand it will be an annual event, hope to take our LS85 next year.
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