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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. Is your tank mounted under the frame or over the pump area ? also you may have to prime the fuel pump(fill it with gas) , the worst thing it could be is if it works off a pushrod or cam shaft on the engine, in that case you may want to look into an electric fuel pump.
  2. what is the open cab rule???
  3. Is the R model pumper going to be for sale? post pictures please
  4. anyone have any details on the mack event at the museum the end of this month
  5. just for my future possible need ,where did you get a rebuilt fuel pump?
  6. their are several types of teflon tape ,you need the gas &oil resistant type..... buy at an auto parts store ,not the big box store
  7. hi louie ,the electronic came from petronics part #1166p12 they are a little pricey about $230.for a set of 2 detailed instructions, easy to install and truck runs great.
  8. before you buy the new points sets,look into putting in an electronic modeul instead of points ,it fits right inside the distr. I got mine from petronics , you have to get it compatable for use with a positive ground system.
  9. hi louie, most likely the fuel gauge does not function properly, took me a little bit to get the shifting down,double clutching, you just have to keep the RPM's low, start out in 2nd gear too. I did get filters from john chambers before., most important ....how are the brakes? had my truck a few weeks and during it's first parade one of the brake lines rusted thru and blow out.
  10. lou, the mack is back .... just finishing the oak slats for the pre connects in the hose bed ,and some odds and ends , on this trucks their is always something to do or redo ,thats the fun of it.........
  11. hi lou: try john chalmbers for parts 717-334-8709 (let the phone ring 10 times) , also for gaskets www.olsonsgaskets.com the diamond plate mix rustoleum smoke gray, gloss white , aluminum ,mix about equal parts( may have to adjust to your exact liking), also you can clear coat .
  12. check out talleyville fire co. website -looks like they still have it.... cool
  13. I saw the tallyvile L mack last year at the cradle of liberty fire muster in pa. didn't see it this year we moved it to n.j. and I thought that the fire co.still owned it.
  14. I saw a L with a completely different fender it was from talleyville del. and it had an american fire body on it , I though it might have been a commerical L that the dept bought and had a body put on it. I'll check my notes on the correct mix for the silver make -up.
  15. trust me ,if you seen what the mix looks like when finished you'll like it , also it doesn't splatter like plain silver , just my liking.
  16. hi louie ,your mack looks great, now the clean up begins, looks like in great condition, If you need to paint the diamond plate on the running boards a lot of guys use a mix of Rustuleum white,gray, silver for a nice finish (plain silver will rub off). AL
  17. a friend has a ralph smith tractor ,he is from radnor pa. uses it to pull a lowboy carring an antique mack fire truck.
  18. thanks fxfymn, seems pretty through ,will try next weeks.
  19. hi guys ,need procedure in correctly getting air out of brake system ,pedal goes about 2 or 3 in from floor before resistance, pump pedal and pedal comes up , each wheel has 2 cylinders,an upper an a lower, do I have to bleed both?
  20. try cal little, in hummelstown pa, near hersery pa goes by pine hill trailers
  21. some will also get the build spec's, small blue print (copy) ,dealer info, orginal owners , good luck with your mack.
  22. where is that warehouse? I'd say someplace in PA. ........
  23. me again , matt pfahls is coming down to my place in south jersey ,either this we or next with my truck ,going back empty I think , you can call me on my cell, 609-617- 9235 . AL
  24. I have used JOHNSON TOWING in burlington county n.j. before the have large flat bed equipment, you might also try matt pfahls in ct. he comes down into jersey offen maybe coming down with a truck and could take yours back. he specializes in macks ,his number is advertized on this site or goggle it.
  25. you got a great deal on that mack, that wooden folding ladder worth at least $500., my L HAS has the compartment under both doors that has a 21/2 intake (not many like it) in the day they had a short section of hose and 1 ff could hook to a hydrant by himself very fast., looks like it just needs a waxing, good luck with it
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