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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. I use cooking oil in the small side tank for the primer oil ,cause it goes out on the soil or roadway.(now we don't want a haz-mat issue).most all macks have or had a positive ground system,just look at the battery-batteries under the officer seat,find the what is wired to the frame, + or -. I think orginals use a 6volt battery connected together for 12 volt. If you have to jump start connect + to+ and - to - , don't let vehicles touch. I think I sent a photo to you of my 54 Ls85. Just a side note ,if you want to see a neat Ls,google hoot gibson 52 mack, Isaw this truck on a visit to AZ last year.owned by alan brunicina ( past F.C. of phoniex FD) it has a Hall -Scott engine 1000c.i. the hood is 11" longer than a Ls85
  2. everyone right about pumping , don't run pump without water, chocks are good too, Also you have to double clutch most, when shifting the r.p.m.'s have to be kept low for a good shift, start out in 2nd gear. same with downshifting low r.p.m. .Our LS can do 60 ,but I drive it on the open road around 50. slow is safe and these trucks are old and you have to stop..... even though we rebuilt the brake system totally. also down the road you might want to install an electronic module in the distributors to replace the points.
  3. looks rough to me ,the underside is probably worse , snow and ice and road salt in bethletme
  4. check with cal little, I'll get his # tomorrow ,he is in PA,. near hersey , we have a 54 LS85 1709 ,my e-mail is hinoki22@comcast.net and I'll send a photo
  5. I have a 54 LS 85 ,had it for 3 yrs, took 2 yrs to total restore , price you pay depends on the general condition of the truck , but if it is not on e-bay ,start low and you can always come up in price, it looks like it is a 1000gpm (4 -21/2 discharges) some had a Hall-Scott engine because of the larger pump also more rare and uses more fuel!!! we did put a power steering unit on the engine for easy of driving and a 400 gal poly tank to replace the steel one that had 40 holes in it. my e-mail address is hinoki22@comcast.net and I'll send a large photo of it. It's a trophy winner!!
  6. hi guys ,went to my first pa pump primers in harrisburg ,pa it was the greatest, I saw more MACKS pumping their in one place along the river at one time ,it was great, also ever brand of fire apparatus ever made , also had a great flea market for fire stuff. Hats off to CAL LITTLE for organizing it again!!
  7. their is a guy in bethlehem ct. ,name is don holden he is a collector of the 'C' rigs ,I don;t have his # ,but could probably get it from a guy that just brought a CF model from him.
  8. that was my mack ,I had purchased from a guy in north carolina, on e-bay ,he lied about condition of the truck,I think he brought it from the guy in barre ma., like I said the guy in N.C. lied about condition ,no brakes at all and some other issues. we rebuilt the brake system completely , complete tune up , and cleaned up ,sold it to the guy that you have photo's of now (tom) he drove it out of my place, a lot better condition than when it came. he only had it for a short while and wanted to sell it to buy a older ALF Ithink from the 30's. learned a lesson , DON'T BUY ON WITHOUT SEEING ANYTHING!
  9. I have a 54 LS85 (last group of 23 produced) ,not for sale, but if you send your e-mail I'll forward photo, I haven't learned to post photos on this site yet
  10. what ashame the B was cut up ,how can people do such a thing,
  11. yea ,the roto rays are neat, can't put one on my mack cause it now has 9 lights on the front, but it does have something different it has an exhaust whistle that is really loud
  12. wow !you have a great looking rig, I have a 54 mack LS85, can you tell me how to posts pictures? thanks
  13. their is a video on you tube a step van on fire, f.d. pulls up in front ,lines off, gas tank starts leaking , stream of flaming fuel going down the street, truck starts rolling down the street into the fire truck, ACKWARD!!!
  14. sorry to hear about your bad incident, but if you find a 707 matt is the one that can make it like new , just got our LS85 back from him, like new !!!
  15. I'll get a photo and try to post it, check back.
  16. I have a rectifier mounted near my generator/alternator ( which ever) on our 1954 LS85 mack .what is the purpose of this item ?
  17. What area of the truck is it coming from, front ,rear etc? could be universal joints,loss plate under truck,loose connection for the tag/ speedometer cable, has it done this since you owned the truck?
  18. also you have to bleed in the correct rotation usually the shortest ones first (front then rear) the best way is with the vaccum pump a cheap one is about $30. and follow the instructions
  19. did you try cal little up in hummelstown pa.?
  20. I received the old style mack decals today and they look great, thanks for the hook -up. do you also make the old style decal that was for fire trucks, it's exactly like the ones I received but it reads fire trucks under the 'MACK' logo ?
  21. terry : thats the style (old) I only need a few in 21/2 " decals to put on glass, how do I get them? thanks ,AL
  22. looking for a mack decal about 2 1/2 '' dia. the one with a bulldog on top and in colors of red ,green and light tan background,thanks
  23. the truck is for showing, but we do run it on the road to shows and musters, it;s not a trailer queen.
  24. just cleaned and repainted frame and undercarraige of our mack fire truck, but getting a lot of grease splater from the joints, any suggession on something to wrap around the jionts, maybe something like sarran wrap?
  25. nice looking work that you done so far, you mentioned LED lights ,be careful some of the LEDS don't work if you have a positive ground system (mostly 3 wire) good luck
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