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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. Looking for amber lenses to replace the red lenses on 54 Mack LS85 front top fender lights, chrome housing that matches the contour of the fender. thanks
  2. welcome to the site, wow nice looking rig, looks like it just came out of a museum
  3. Hey down under, FIREMACK gave you all the correct info about the mack models, Also their are 2 great books by harvey eckart ,Mack fire trucks 1911 -2005, and MACK model L fire trucks ,lots of photo's & info. try amazon.com for the books. I have a 54 L (last of 15 produced). their where lots of mack fire trucks sold to fire companies in PA.,N.J.AND N.Y.in the day. and as FIREMACK said contact the MACK museum in Allentown, PA
  4. Harvey also has a great book on 'L'model mack fire trucks, it is out of print but you can google or go to amazon.com to find it, it a great book
  5. yea that was a really neat movie( video's where not invented by then) the trucking industry has really come a long way , wonder what happened to all the old rigs, it was a trip by in time too .
  6. Hi all my fire truck guys : anyone have any info on the 100th anniversity of mack fire trucks, dates ,location ,etc.
  7. I know exactly what you mean ,the 1st mack I had (47 semi open cab) .It had 4" round mirrors ,couldn't see anything, put new chrome mirror heads 5x7 on the arms and made a great improvement,sold that truck when we acquired a 54 mack LS85 it has junior west coast mirrors on it which we added 5"convex mirrors to the brackets . to go with the west coast mirrors you'll have to adjust the bracket a little to fit the top frame of the door which is open(just use 1 brace at the top of the door). You shouldn't have a problem. For the new mirrors try AW DIRECT (www.awdirect.com) or goggle truck mirrors. also if the truck is judged ,most will not take off points for safety items. If want to see a really neat LS85 goggle hoot gibson 52 mack. good luck
  8. 609albert


    yes ,as the previous reply thats the place ,also check with cal little in hummelstown pa.,(near hershey) for a bell,I hear he has a lot of mack fire stuff.
  9. anyone out their had an experience changing over their mack fire truck to electronic ignition, where to purchase, is it worth the expense, hard to do,etc.I have a LS85
  10. Hey firemack ,would you happen to have a taillight bracket for a mack ,left or right ,I think they are all the same and cast.
  11. I would bet my 54 mack pumper you have a hale pump,made in conshehocen pa. their is a guy in hummelstown ,pa.(near hershey) that I hear has a lot of mack fire truck parts for sale,I think his name is CAL
  12. are they split rims on your B are did you change them? if so too what?
  13. many restoreors use a chrome etich primer and finish with ureathane and a clear coat , red is my favorate for the frame, easier to keep clean too.
  14. many restoreors use a chrome etich primer and finish with ureathane and a clear coat , red is my favorate for the frame, easier to keep clean too.
  15. where did you purchase the new rims for your fire truck? it looks like a B model,what year?
  16. how much did the new core set you back ?
  17. 609albert


    again, if you live near allentown ,pa , the fire flea market in april is the place to go. good luck
  18. also you can contact the radnor fire co. in pa. they had the engine on their B model completely rebuilt by a company in pa.,I would check it out get that engine running like new , so you can depend on it, it would be worth the money. where are you located in the south east?
  19. good luck with your truck, the brakes are the most important in restoring, the hydrovac, master cyl , check valve,wheel cyls,and brake lines probably all might need some work, If it came from a cold region where it got snow and ice it can be bad on the truck, I had a 47 LS85 had the hydrovac and master cyl rebuilt , replace the 3 rubber hose lines(napa) and replaced some brake lines too, didn't do anything with the shoes or wheel cyls .,just bleed the system a few times, sold it last year,and now have a 54 MACK LS85 this time we sent the truck out to get the brakes and other work done. GOOD LUCK
  20. I took ours off last year , I thought it had a cap nut on it, looks like yours doesn't might have a keyway (woodrif) and you might need a small wheel puller to get it off, and it has a HALE pump let us know how it came off.
  21. My advice ,keep that mack no matter what ,it's a piece of history, contact the mack museum in allentown ,they will sent you all the info on your truck. the magnito can be repaired ( check the names on the list) good luck
  22. hi guy's :in the process of restoring our 54 LS85 semi-open pumper ,I've seem some photos of other similar trucks and it looks like their is a support cover in the rear of the windshield that covers the pipe that holds the red warning light at the top of the windshield, anyone have information on locating one or making one? thanks in advance
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