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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. I would get the measurements and go to a weld shop (or better yet weld up yourself )and fabricate them. not many old hahns around. that must have been a refurb job ,to put a hahn body on a MACK. Their is a place in glassboro n.j. that has an extensive stock of all kinds of steel stock to make you name it,called FAZZIO'S check their web site.
  2. 609albert


    check the spaamfaa web site for the bell and assembly,also try e-bay , the 47 mack I owned had one and the 54 mack that we currently own has one ,most where mounted on the side of the cowl officers side.If you live near ALLENTOWN PA. their is a big fire flea market in april with all kinds of great items
  3. anyone know of a shop that rebuilds old delco/remy distributors (year 1958).or a place that might have new old stock (nos)? the orginal has a bent shalf and the gear at the bottom is worn. thanks in advance
  4. hi their , I'm into mack fire trucks, does that guy have any???? that guy gave that truck to you.....at that price , good luck
  5. check out www.taillightking.com ,looks like many lights but not the ones I want.
  6. If this is a round light ,with about a 5 "lense and chrome housing ,I'm looking for 2 for our 54 LS85 mack, if you find a source let me know and I'll do the same. thanks
  7. anyone out their had any experience with converting the points in the distributor in a 50's mack to the electronic modeul that fits inside distr. cap ?
  8. ART ,you can also try JOHN CHAMBERS in PA> 717-334-8709 ( let it ring 8-10 times). he has a lot of N.I.S.(new old stock),is very knowledgable on old MACKS and a good person to deal with. we have a '54 LS85 that is up in CT. getting some work done. good luck
  9. hi guy, welcome with the mack, the engine ,like someone said should be a 707 c.i. if it is a mack engine or it could have a hall-scott engine , like previous ,send your vin # to the mack museum in allentown pa. for all the as built info. I had a 47 LS85 and sold it last sept after I got a 54 LS85 (its now up at PFAHL'S in conn. get some work done to it. If you want to see a great looking LS85 google 'hoot gibson 52 mack' . also your truck might have a governor on it to top out at 45. The only thing that would concern me about a woman driving it is ,NOT TO DRIVE WHILE USING THE CELL PHONE OR TEXTING....... good luck
  10. Hi guy's ,this was the 1st time I attended Macungie ,went on friday,but in 2011 we'll go on saturday ,(more trucks and vendors) it was a great show.
  11. Looks like the mack will need some work, I think the price is high for the condition of the truck and looks like you will have to put some money into it,(and time). I bought a 47 mack LS 85 in 2008 for 10k and it was in good condition except for the brakes, sold it after a year and now have a 54 mack LS85 that we a working on.good luck
  12. hi their , looks like you have a full open cab type mack , if you need liture on .the truck you can write to the mack museum in allentown pa , you need to give them the serial number etc. also for parts some are still avail. through NAPA dealers and seems like their are a lot of parts guys in pa where macks were so popular. I own a 54 mack semi open cab ( has doors), that we sent out to get work done on it.
  13. it does sound like the coils to me , try your local napa dealer first , if no success try john chambers in cashtown pa. he has a lot of mack new old stock parts.you could also have a bad coil wire, or bad wire at your ignition switch. post what ever you find the problem.
  14. good luck with your new toy . I had a 47 LS mack it ran better using both ignitions also , sold it last year and we now have a 54 LS mack (open cab),same deal with dual ignition .most fire equip. had dual systems
  15. yes it looks like their is 8 rivets holding the back plate on , if you just need to get the wheel cyl. off it is just bolted to the back plate , the back plates where rived on for a reason, not to be removed .
  16. post some photo's of it, some of the B85's where rare, I'msure someone is looking for one,you should list it with a photo on the SPAAFAA web site ,it's for collectors of fire trucks. where is it located?
  17. try contacting the mack museum in allentown pa. google then for address etc.
  18. looks like a nice mack, clean body, does it need much work? we have a '54 LS85 (open cab) came from VT. ,we sent up to CONN. for some work.
  19. Is that dogde really towing the trailer and mack? please tell me it has duallies and it's not in NEW JERSEY ! GOOD LUCK with your new toy.
  20. NOT ALWAYS THE TRUCKERS FAULT! my fire dept got called out on the njtp at near exit 6 at 12:30 am on sunday a 17yr old girl spun out and hit the concrete divider, a tractor trailer tried to avoid it ,hit her ,lost control, ran the divider , stopped about 500 yds away ,burst in flames and in was incinerated in the burning tractor,he was 25 yrs old. oh and the girl and her 16 yr old male passenger recieved minor injuries, and too top that off that was the second accident she had that day!!!
  21. welcome to the site, I had a 47 LS85 sold it after we bought a 54LS85 , on the 47 had the hinge pin mirrors with about a 4" mirror head which was very hard to see out of.also it only had one arm which vibrated when moving , did change to a 5x7 chrome head for better visiablity , if you now have a west coast type mirror you might be better off to leave them on it. good luck
  22. you shouldn't have any trouble finding one. I see that item listed at www.patwalshrestorations click on MACK then mack 'B' . their phone is 781-246-3266. If they can't help e-mail me for a list of others for parts for macks.
  23. your mack looks good, I HAVE A 54 LS85 ,right now it is up at pfahl's in Connectcut getting some work done,It's on their web site,click on the christmas party.I'm in south jersey. We did have a 47 LS85,sold it in sept. it is still listed on the spaamfaa site. check this out,google hoot gibson 52 mack. my e-mail is hinoki22@comcast.net. thanks AL

  24. your mack should be a positive ground, every thing on the truck works positive ground,if you have a fire radio it has to be positive ground to operate. the mack musemun would have the specs on the truck and you will get a wiring diagram in the packet. If your engine is gas you will probably have to change the wiring at the coil/distr. if it is diesel I don't know the procedure
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