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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. try contacting SPAAMFAA, (google it) it is an organization of fire appratus collector most collectors and hobbiest belong to this group, good luck.
  2. was your mack down in south jersey awhile ago?

  3. JOE: try CONDON & SKELLY in maple shade n.j., they specialize in antique vehicle insurance. I have my L MODEL MACK insured throught them.
  4. Hi guys, where is the show in Lititz , directions from pa turnpike coming from jersey , are their any fire trucks at the show?
  5. thanks for reply, their is no vaccum unit , the transfer valve is manually operated, the control rod goes through the pump panel to 2 gears that rotate a diverter inside the pump casting , you can only move the knob a half turn , have another mack and the knob goes 3.5 turns to complete the operation of pressure to volumn or visa/versa. thanks, AL
  6. have a HALE 750 gpm fire pump on my 54 mack , the transfer control is stuck ,any ideas on how to free it up, someone said to remove the two 2.5 discharge manifold off and spray rust cutter up in their to free it up. THANKS
  7. could you get me the part numbers from napa for the bleeders ? thanks
  8. thanks for the info,looks like that is what I'm going to have to do, I actually broke off the bleeder fitting that screwed into the cyl, these old trucks are nice but seems like ever part you fix it leads into another repair , this all started with replacing 1 brake line that was rusted through, then replaced 2 others , then the bleeding air from system broke the bleeder valve , and each wheel has 2 cyl's and none of the bleeders look good . thanks AL
  9. thanks for the info rob, I just got the build sheets from the mack museum ,so that should help, the key is finding a good counter person like you said . I used whitepost before to rebuild a master cyl and hydrovac unit on a 47 mack I have. thanks Al
  10. hi guy's ... anyone know where to purchase new wheel cyl for our 54 ls85 mack pumper? it has 2 cyl's per wheel. thanks
  11. anyone out their know where to purchase new wheel cyls for a 54 mack ls85 fire truck ,it has 2 cyl per wheel . thanks
  12. have a 1947 LS85 for sale rebuilt hydrovac & master cyl. new ignition system, new seat, body in good condition ,tires good, runs great 750 hale pump, no tank,good chrome, lights,bell, siren work e-mail for pic's hinoki22@comcast.net in northern south jersey
  13. Dave, I have a 1947 LS (semi-open cab) for sale(haven't advertized it yet) good condition ,good tires , body good, master cyl & hydrovac units totally rebuilt. all new ignition system ,good chrome and paint all lights and siren work ,new seats. no tank , don't know if pump works(750 GPM). In south jersey . e-mail ,hinoki22@comcast.net
  14. HI GUY'S , anyone using a lead additive to your mack gas engines ? pro's /con's
  15. HI GUY'S , can I use teflon tape or liquid on threads on a small leak on my truck with hydralic brakes , or any suggestions?
  16. anyone have a idea where to get brass block ,about 1'' thick , 7 sided, has 2 ,5/16 ports for brakelines and their is a through bolt that bolts it into the back of the hydrovac( the one I have ,1 of the 5/16 ports I cross threaded
  17. anyone know where to purchase a new or rebuilt fuel pump for a 1947 L 707 gas engine , thanks
  18. yes ...you are correct , the interior threads are for screwing in a vaccuam pump to bleed the system. learn more about this old mack everday!!!
  19. got the last of 4 off today , a liquid blaster penetrating oil ,a little heat and got them all out and cleaned up , ready to replace the last brake hose on the front left wheel.
  20. have a 47 mack ls85 did soon brake work and about ready to bleed air from system. on some of the bleeder I notice a plug about 7/16 with female threads on it like another fitting screws into it. Is something missing ? any suggestion how to loosen thoses plugs up, they feel like they are frozen to the wheel cylinder . thanks guy's
  21. yep. napa can get the 3 rubber brake hoses and that is where I got them I have the napa #'s if anyone needs them. thanks
  22. it is a ls85 fire truck and the air cleaner in mounted in the engine compartment ,the throat dia of the carb is 4" thanks
  23. hello guys looking for a simple chrome air clearner for my 47 mack 707 eng. to replace that big monster oil bath air clearner ,it would have to mount horizontal, thanks
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