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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. thanks for the info, white post did rebuild the master cyl. and hydrovac unit
  2. looking to replace the front wheel brake hoses ( from frame to wheel cylinders) where can I purchase , the hoses that are on their now don't have a swivle on one to make connecting easier,can a swivel be added? also same for the single hose at rear of truck (frame to rear) . 47 mack LS85,thanks guys
  3. your 42 mack is really scharp ! it looks very close to my 47 mack , I just had the master cyl and hydravac unit rebuilt, working on brakes and engine now , what type of electrical connector do you have that goes into the back of the officers search light?? thanks,AL
  4. the pull knob on the left doesn't operate(can't pull or push it in or out) the knob on the right does operate, went pushed in (red light off) the engine will start and run ,when pulled out it seems to run better , these swiches must be for the dual ignition and the one on the left that doesn't operate must be stuck in the on position...... does this sound true???? thanks guys
  5. on my 47 mack 85LS their are 2 switches on the dash and on top of each switch is a chrome bezel that has a red light in it that comes on when the switch knob is pulled out . are they for the dual ignition or ??? thanks
  6. hello ......don't know where the truck is that you are looking for ,but I have a 47 LS 85 in good condition in n.j. my e-mail is hinoki22@comcast.net .thanks
  7. try the mack museum in allentown ,pa. they can also supply you with a service ,spec. manual and history of the truck , they will need the model and serial #'s , takes about 3 or 4 weeks.
  8. don't know the exact name ,but it is use by several fire truck manufactors
  9. I have a 47 mack , sending out the master cyl. and hydrovac units to be rebuilt, would like to clean out the brake lines before putting rebuilts back in, what is the best way to flush??
  10. thanks for the advice, the truck has a hydr -vac system with a reserve vaccum tank on the other frame rail, I traced the line back from the reserve tank to the engine and and found it disconned (a pipe line from a sort of regulator on the firewall ) the line from this regulator to the manifold is gone and their is a plug threaded into the manifold. I don't know why it has been disconnected.
  11. Have a 47mack pumper that has no brakes, where do I start to fix them
  12. I don't know where your truck is ,but it is beautiful,I just purchased a 1947 L85 and me and my son are working on restoring it in N.J.
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