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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. the CF looks Great ,good luck with it
  2. Do you still have the LS 85 Mack? don't know about the head liner but someone should be able to help
  3. I think it might be a telephone line crew truck ,does it have a bed winch or a power take off on the trans? the area your in looks like the mid west ?
  4. I had 900 x20 on my Mack fire truck , almost 2 years ago I also wanted to get rid of the split rims ,I had one rim that I know was really rusted and dangerous ,(my truck is a 54 yr) I switched to Dayton rims and 1100x 22.5 radial tires (Chinese). what a difference in the ride. If you can consider new rims too
  5. that is a 6 cyl flat head, sock filter?
  6. Yes the guy that harry (above) said rebuilt both my 54 LS85 Mack units and he has the blades you need
  7. try Matt Pfahl in Bethlhem CT. 203-266-5346 ,he had 2 LS85 parts truck last time I was their. also try Cal Little in Pa.717-566-8973 he has loads of LS mack fire truck parts. hope that helps ,keep us posted
  8. I just changed tires and wheels on my 54 L model Mack fire truck , 1100 x 22.5 Dayton wheels & radials what a better ride.
  9. yes the 2-12 volt batteries is the best way to go
  10. Harvey Eckart has written a few great books on Mack fire apparatus with lots of great photos & info. Also Walter McCall did a book 'Fire Trucks of the 1950's. The real giveaway that your mack was a fire truck is the bumper design.
  11. looking at the pump panel there is a lever to engage the pump from Road to Pump, about the front fender right where it comes down toward the tire if it is rounded on the side I would say it was pre 50 ,if it is more straight I would say 50's . like said previously my # is 1709 . also with the wheel type I would guess it came from the west (budd type) as the spoke was more popular on the eastern states
  12. l have a 1954 Mack LS85 now ,before that I had a 1947 Mack LS85 ,to that your truck was made in the 50's looking at the fender and the windshield.
  13. try Arthur Gould Rebuilders holden, Ma. 508-210-0891 rebuilds fuel & water pumps ,quick turn around
  14. some LED lights will operate on positive ground , to test if they will work use a 9 volt battery ( we used to call them transitor radio batteries ) and switch the leads . I did it on my 54 Mack fire truck clearence lights
  15. does your Mack have air brakes? if so you could have had air horns, I have a LS85 with the stock single electric horn, I did add a small air compressor and installed air horn behind the front bumper
  16. try Summit Racing Equipment catalog or web site
  17. Hello John ,Great that you showed the Radnor Mack and you and you dog and Mack Dog got the awards . Al
  18. It is really amazing to see many of the parts on the G model that are used on many of the other Mack trucks
  19. I tend to agree just buy new and get it over
  20. Carl it looks like a Baltimore rig, colors etc. did they have any Macks like this? how is your collection going?
  21. how much did it sell for . Allentown N.J. about 15 miles from me orginal owners , no fire hydrants ,mostly rural ,I sure mileage correct.
  22. try contacting Whitman Square fire company in I believe Camden or Glouester counties new jersey they have ALF squirt (blue in color) looks like it just came out of the factory
  23. what type of wrecker ,tow truck is that, and also how did you get to Russia ,did you come from U.S.A.? Is their a lot of Macks their ?
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