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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. It is a very nice B model hope you keep and show it ,do you belong to SPAAMFAA or a chapter of it? I have a 1954 LS85 open cab Mack but needless to say most all musters & parades in the Jersey /PA area have been cancelled due to the Covid 19 hoping for a better year in 21
  2. That's a cute little Mack
  3. their was a post awhile back on this subject , either in this section or the antique section that covers this topic
  4. WELCOME TO THE GROUP ,all of the previous replies are all pointing you in the right directions ,I have a 54 LS85 open cab , Petronics ignition system installed (make a big difference) also check your air cleaner ,I changed to a Vortex (from AutoZone) of course not an OEM but better, next thing I'm doing is changing oil filter from a sock to spin on (not a OEM but who cares). I have a friend who owns the Landsdale C model Mack.
  5. Try Cal Little in Hummelstown ,Pa 717-566-8973 he has lots of Mack fire truck parts for LS models
  6. Great looking project, looks like most everything is their, I had brought new reproduced steamer caps like yours at the Spring Melt in Allentown PA.a couple of yrs age for my 54 LS85
  7. I actually thought your model was the real truck, detailed and weather very well
  8. what color green (spray can) did you use and manufacture ?
  9. Super pumper gave new meaning to" KNOCKING DOWN THE FIRE''
  10. Please tell that engine & trans removal is photo shopped (not real)
  11. ok to do just make sure you get a good unit, their is a shop In n.y. that will rebuild the orginal and quick turnaround he did mine advertises in Hemmings motor news name is Authur Guld .
  12. some 'B's had a 504 flat head in early B years
  13. Nice looking B model , I guess it is a 707ci. 4 or 5 speed ?
  14. someone also suggested tighten2 adjustable ends on drag link
  15. I will check it out ,seems like no easy fix
  16. Yes power steering was added during restore and still has excess play
  17. ok John, I'll look into what you describe
  18. their are no U joints in this type
  19. I have a 54 LS85 Mack pumper that has what seems like too much steering play ,new tie rod ends did not help ,now thinking worn gears in the steering box, any help ,ideas, etc.
  20. I have a 1954 LS85 Mack pumper it has as long as I have owned it what seem like too much play in the steering ,put new tie rod ends but it didn't seem to help ,leaning now toward worn steering gear box, any Ideas on a fix?
  21. the ad is free if you are a member of SPAAMFAA . Also I would sent out an Email or letter to all the chapters in the SPAAMFAA group with a photo , most of the chapters do a newsletter or could list it on their local website, just a thought
  22. looks like it last had a diesel engine in it. good luck on the search ,maybe a inquire on Spaamfa site or list an ad in engine engine (members throughout the usa
  23. Is E 12 a Pierce? we had a Roto Ray like that also <$2000 option and now the powers to be removed it and replaced the grill
  24. I seem to agree with j hancock...... go through ,may be easier to make a square hole instead of round
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