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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 609albert

  1. my LS85 has a small reservoir (about 1/2 qt) under the seat with a line tapped into the cap on top of the master.( wish it had air brakes)
  2. I bet all that road the Mack are now wear a hearing aid
  3. try Matt Pfahl in CT, 203-266-6455 also try to contact Don Holden also in CT. he owns a fleet of C models (his phone is listed in the spaamfa member list ,good luck
  4. did you ever think of putting a electronic ignition in to replace the points in both distributors ? I used Petronics in both of mine just might have to upgrade the coils
  5. soak in PB Blaster for a few days then try heating...... good luck
  6. that is sad
  7. anyone have any info on converting the old 'sock' oil filter in a canister to a better type filter ,seems like not much of the oil is really filtered, I thought at one time someone had info on this site ,instructions ,photos,etc.
  8. I'm pretty sure that Matt Phalfs in Ct .restored the Mack
  9. Their is a truck that looks very close to what you are looking for ,it is in HEMMINGS MOTOR NEWS (August 2019) page 210 and it for sale listed as a 1951 LF ,ex fire truck ,has a Hall-Scott gas engine, flat bed . 209-608-2007 in Calif. red body black fenders
  10. SM Fire History , try his guy he has tons of 'L" Mack parts , located near Hershey ,Pa. ,PA and most states in the north east the F.D. where big buyers of Macks Cal Little ( Pine Hill Restorations) 329 pine hill rd. Hummelstown,Pa.17036 717-566-8973
  11. It is a Federal 17-A ,like your photo shows it mounts on a pipe, friend of mine just picked one up at the Spring Melt in Allentown Pa. 2weeks ago $125. try the Sirenman .com ( in Ar.)
  12. the new ones spin too fast,guess you could put on a voltage reducer to slow down.
  13. anyone have any leads on a Roto Ray with red bulbs ,the old type that turns slowly
  14. what are those reddish in line sleeves on the brake line tubing? very clean looking up grade
  15. does it have hydranlic brake or mechanical ?
  16. I put the petronics in both of the distributors on my 54 LS85 Mack . if your Mack is positive ground system you have to specify when ordering.
  17. Your Mack is a classic ,the molded in roof lights are one of a kind, how could anyone scrape its twin? I would love to see the Mack when you get it done,where in pa.are you? (MACK Capital of the World)
  18. that's it
  19. Their a fellow in PA. that reproduced the Mack brackets for taillights call Cal Little in Hummelstown Pa,(near Hersey) 1-717-566-8973 that is where I got mine for my 54 LS85
  20. Thank for the info, when I get ready to change I'll go to the dual master cyl. the hydovac on my 54 LS85 is a little different than yours.,wish I had air brakes sometimes too. You did a nice clean job on all your upgrades.
  21. real nice but the steering wheel is on the wrong side
  22. nice job on the master cylinder, is that an adapter plate that you had to make for the master cyl. and what is the new master cylinder from? what engine is that ?
  23. looks nice & neat and safe too
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