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  1. OK I'll double check all the wires and fuses (breakers) carefully. If the rack controller is bad, would there be a fault code? Also, can you verify the flashout procedure for me? I know that the cruise control switch triggers that function but I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly. :New sig! I am a slave to my trucks!
  2. Googling Mack ELAB, I was shocked to learn that Allison Mack is actually a dominatrix sex slave master! But no luck finding anything helpful in diaging my truck. Is that solenoid on the back of the injection pump? I'd like to be sure that there are no chewed wires before I go pulling the injection pump off.
  3. The engine cranks normally. I have fuel to the injection pump. When I turn the key on, everything seems normal. The engine warning light proves out within 10 seconds and I can hear and feel all the relays click in the dash panel. I have looked at the pump but I'm not sure where the cutoff solenoid is. I found the injection timing actuator and the "cam" sensor.
  4. You wouldn't happen to have a link to that TSB would you? I've been having no luck with Google. Tons of hotrod Cummins B series info though! Edit: Also that sounds like the part I checked. It has both power and ground with ignition on. Tapped on it with a screwdriver handle thinking it might open.
  5. Anyone?
  6. I think I posted this in the wrong gateway so I'll post it here. I'm looking for the shutdown cutoff solenoid location on my E7. I think mice may have got a wire. Can anyone help me diag my no start?
  7. My truck is a 1992 CH-612 with a dump body. It has a E7 300 and road ranger 9 speed. Can anyone tell me where the fuel shutoff solenoid is on the injection pump? I think it's stuck or not getting power but all I can find on google is how to make your 12v Cummins faster!
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