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Everything posted by mwabbit78

  1. got the new lenses today. i still need one more vintage original base.,
  2. looking for maybe a driveline extension with crossmember support bearing 12" to 18" ? in case i extend wheel base on this dually truck im building right now id like to fin and stash back a driveline extension that is somewhere around 12 to like 18" in length, with carrier/support bearing for flat crossmember on it. no larger than 1410 or 1350 U joints? its actually for a 1960s 1 ton dually. 217 737 0942 text? theres a 1969 C50 tandem axle 30K lb parts/scrap truck im trying to get this from right now an hour south of here. but not sure yet if its gonna be possible to or not yet. thx
  3. finally found four in springfield off a 65 dually. just need one more now,,,, base/housing. new lenses set of 5 are on the way through NAPA right now, are supposed to be in on friday.
  4. finally found some. need one more now,.
  5. yeah its sad, its not hurting nothing to have some trucks equipment sitting out where no one cares.. i dont get it. its stupid as hell local govt ordinances crap hmm......! too bad couldnt get a solid/blind fence panels up around them or put them in a shed building something so they are out of sight. they may not let you know it but if they are out of sight then you would be ok keeping them. theyre only doing this because they are in plain sight from a road etc somewhere nearby.
  6. yeah i dont have any electronic forms of payment at all so i cant. or i would have already years ago. but i doubt amazon has vintage pitted metal ones, i want old useable worn aged ratty ones.
  7. hmm thts not much curve really at all i should be able to use them on mine its got some curve to it at heading of roof skin hmm..
  8. hmm never really thought about that well i need flat or real close to flat for 70s years style hmm.. thanks!
  9. hmmm well the red truck in this thread flat or damn near flat. because it looks like maybe the ones on the green truck are curved bottom, compared to the ones on the red truck? is that what you are talking about?
  10. looking for one more vintage tear drop shape/style 1970s roof marker lamp. common KD518 or YANKEE 77 etc one. im looking for an old vintage pitted aged one... nothing special! i dont have a card or paypal stuff i would have to send a money transfer at walmart directly you can pick up at the store directly. before 5pm each day so i can have gone to the bank and withdrawn money needed to transfer.. my text is 737 0942 in the 217 central IL thanks for anything anyone.
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