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  1. https://sacramento.craigslist.org/hvo/d/sacramento-1956-mack-61-dump-truck/6945273190.html
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  2. Well I pulled the supercharger apart, found a mice pancaked inside. Cleaned it up, put it back together and the truck fired right up.
  3. Check out the air cleaner. Glad that didn't get sucked in.
  4. A memeber on here suggested that something is stuck in the blower. I pulled it off today and sure enough the engine turned right over. I couldn't start it because I have the oil cooler off. I'll put it on hopefully tomorrow and give her a go.
  5. I'm in California. Here's what my radiator looks like. I'll get better pictures tomorrow. I don't know why they upload upside down and sideways.
  6. Its definatley not the original engine. The firewall was cut for it to fit in there.
  7. I found these numbers on the drivers side block
  8. Welp looks like I need more than a radiator. I went to start it only to find out the engine is stuck. I tried turning it by hand, it turns very little one way and comes to a dead stop. Turns back a little and same thing comes to a dead stop. So I'm on the hunt for an engine. Anyone have a cummins c160 or c180?
  9. I'll take pictures of it after work.
  10. Welp I brought it home last night. Does anyone know where I can source a radiator? Hopefully I have time to mess with it after work today and check the tags.
  11. If all goes well I'll be picking it up on Wednesday and will post a picture of the tag.
  12. I'm looking to buy this 1956 Mack dump truck for my property. I was wondering if anyone can give me some info on the cummins engine. It's supercharged that much I know. Thanks, Dan
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