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  1. Reman Head $1050 from Mack 100,000 Mile Warranty and 2 years I believe. Rebuild Kit 2 year warranty as well.
  2. thank you I would def look into this
  3. Moving Forward if and when i repair this engine. I keep reading that the E7 460 ASET agr is a nightmare. Is there and preventative maintenance I can do to not fall in the pitfulls of such a bad engine
  4. Makes sense. Thank you for your advice Im glad i came to the right place. If i have to be a company driver for some time I will. My ultimate goal is to get back on the road as an O/O>
  5. thank you. I will make certain that the crank is in good condition before I purchase anything. If it is good I will move foward with the rebuild. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Inframe-Engine-Rebuild-Kit-for-Mack-E7-ASET-w-EGR-Valve-PAI-Brand-ERK8049017/253251232637?epid=656851575&hash=item3af6f3237d:g:4XYAAMXQL99Sc-3W:rk:2:pf:0
  6. I get what you're saying but i can go and get a brand new truck and the engine can go out on me a week later. The chances we take in life I guess. If those things happen then I will just go drive for a company save up for another truck
  7. thank you I may lean for the cheaper PAI kit because money is tight right now. Price difference is about $1000 right now
  8. I would sell but I dont think I will get much with its current issues. If it helps I have 438,000 Miles on it now. Bought it for $6k with 427k on it. Put about $5k in it and started driving it.
  9. He doens't have a problem with PAI he just warned me that if anything goes wrong because of the parts it will cost me more and he PREFERS me to get the parts from MACK. He used to work at a Mack dealer but since opened his own shop so I understand his bias to go with MACK
  10. thank you. I did see an aftermarket PAI Inframe Kit for $2885 from a reputable seller on Ebay but my mechanic recommends I get the Kit straight from Mack for $3750
  11. Now I do know the dangers. I need answers on how to move forward not a lesson on what I should or shouldn't own.
  12. no problem. My first 5 words of this entire thread stated my "Greeness" to trucking. My apologies for the misinformation. This mess happened less than 24 hours of making the thread so I was in a frantic state because my only source of income went up in smoke. An honest guy trying to make an honest living to feed 3 kids and wife im sure you can understand my state of mind. Trust me I beat myself enough for the simple blunder of running out of fuel. No time to cry over spilled milk I intend to get back on the road and continue. I have 2 options now. Rebuild or Purchase a good used engine. Rebuild Option will consist of 2 new Heads $2100 and Inframe Rebuild Kit $3750 Both from Mack Dealer. $6k in parts and $4500 Labour. $10,500 Total Used Engine Option I have not found anything for less than $9k from reputable sources Labor for new engine is $2500-$3500. $11500-12500 Total I'm in no position to finance a truck and I will most likely need $8k-$10k Down and an aprox $1200/month Note. Before my idiotic blunder I was able to gross $23k in 8weeks home every night. So the money was decent here in the north east. I just want to get back to work and continue in this business I'm still young (33) and with all due respect Walmart aint really for me. I have a used car i can sell and get $3500 for im really leaning towards fixing my truck and moving forward. If 2004 was such a bad year what year Mack do you recommend I try to get if fixing isnt a good idea?
  13. Now I know....costly lesson but lesson learned nonetheless
  14. Thanks for the advice but I'm not built to quit...wasn't raised that way. Made a costly rookie mistake but I own up to my mistakes and will tackle them head on. Thanks Bud
  15. Besides the power issue I have this thick black smoke whenever I Press the gas. No compression in 2 cylinders. I really think I did some internal damage from spraying too much ether into the air filter. At one point when I was cranking the engine initially with the ether the RPM guage Red lined all the way until it couldn't go anymore. I def messed up a piston or something. Engine has been misfiring since my ether mess
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