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tenfive0 last won the day on October 11 2021

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  • Location
    Grimsville / Krumsville, Pennsylvania, USA

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  • My Truck
    1972 CF600
  • Interests
    Hot Rods, Street Rods, Motorcycles, Old Trucks, Open Die Forging Hammers and Onan Generators.
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  1. New to me 1990 GMC 7000 with a plastic Chevy tilt nose. Allison AT545 and 366 Big Block, 49,650 original miles. Was looking at a Mack but I couldn't come to terms with the seller. I bought the Jimmy instead hauling stone and fill. Trailer included to move a Bobcat S205 Skid Steer and a Bobcat E35 Mini Excavator between my son and I's properties.
  2. It is what it is. I am trying to take command of our properties with a Bobcat E35 Mini Excavator and Bobcat S205 Skid Steer. GMC - 1990 C7000, 366 Big Block/Allison AT545 with a Chevy (tilt) plastic nose and trail combination. With slightly less the 50,000 original miles. No complaints so far. It is the right truck for us right now. Like anything used it needs some massaging and love. The first thing is to add a Tru-Cool 40k Transmission Cooler before we put it to ant serious work.
  3. First, (1st) of all thanks to everyone for their input, help and guidance. Second, (2nd) I wound up passing on the Mack. My little voice inside just said NO. They say first impressions are everything. There was just something about the truck and the hard sell tactic the seller was pushing. One of the first flaws I noticed on the truck was the hole in the intake tube. That would have been the first thing I would have fixed. How obvious of an easy fix would it have been for the seller to just temporarily fix the problem with duct tape. I have no idea how long the truck was run that way. It is an issue I didn't ignore while looking at the truck. I don't want to talk bad about the seller but there were a lot other issues that turned me away from buying it. Third, (3rd) perhaps the worse part is I bought a GMC - Combination with an Equipment Trailer. I was looking for a (not for hire) truck and trailer to haul around my Skid Steer and Mini Excavator. Found the GMC for sale with a trailer for slightly more then the Mack alone. Sorry, to the faithful. Maybe I shouldn't even mention GMC? Well at least It isn't a FORD! When I started out looking for a dump truck I would have preferred a Mack but I was willing to settle on a JIMMY. Definitely wasn't interested in a FORD of any kind. If there is any consolation? I had he Jimmy Hauled home on a lowboy trailer drawn by a Mack Tractor.
  4. Thanks for the help. Still on the fence with the purchase. I might schedule a 2nd look.
  5. I am looking for medium size Dump Truck to move soil around for some planned property improvements this spring. If I get a truck I'd prefer it to be A MACK. Turned up a 6 wheel 1978 R686. Looking over the truck it has 377000 plus mile. Started the engine and if fired right off stone cold. Checked the coolant after the engine ran for 5 to 10 minutes. When I removed the cap the radiator was pressurized, the level was low and I couldn't see coolant. I asked the owner if there was any problem with the cooling system. He said they just replaced the water pump? He assured me there wasn't any known problems or issues with the truck. A little concerning. The seller has contacted me asking if I am interested in the truck. I told him I might be if he tops off the coolant, if I can further inspect the truck and take it for a test drive. One thing I found strange, odd or unusual. When I pulled the dip stick the side closest to the frame (facing me) was clean with no oil. I asked about the oil and I was told the oil was just changed. I re-dipped the stick and it came out clean again. Wiped the stick with my finger and the dip stick on the engine side had oil. Dipped the stick again and the same results. The frame side was clean. With the stick pulled I turned it over and it showed full. What the heck is up with that? Anyone ever had that experience? Goofy question - Is it something to be concerned about?
  6. Filled up Thursday. Diesel was $6.00 a gallon. Across the street were I filled up it was $6.29. Today the same station I filled up at on Thursday the price was $6.16 across the street $6.49.
  7. The same thing happened to me.
  8. No BBQ in Pennsylvania. The high temp yesterday on my thermometer was 24 degrees Fahrenheit. Today it might break into the low 30's. Crews are still on the scene this morning on interstate 81. They only have 40% of the crash cleared up from yesterdays pile up.
  9. Pile up - 3 dead on Interstate 81 in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania during a white out snow squall.
  10. This is not the beginning. We are deep into the destruction of our society. What worries me is what the end will look like. My goal in life is to leave a better world for the next generation to inherit.
  11. No one should be surprised. At least I'm not. I knew what we were getting with Obama and sleepy Joe. They can't get away with taking away our guns. You just won't be able to afford ammunition. They can't ban internal combustion engines. You just won't be able to afford to buy fuel. A direct quote from Joe Biden: "The only thing worse than a poorly planned intentional war is an unplanned unintentional war." WAKE UP. It is all part of the plan. The globalist new world order. It is all a diversion. The dumbing down of the American society. They want everyone living in fear, taking away our liberties and freedoms. They are making housing and food unaffordable. They don't want any independent thinking. They want total control of our lives and people 100% dependent on a government subsistence. They'll give you just enough to survive. If you descent they'll take away the handouts and leave you to die. Russia and China are the model societies. WAKE UP. It's all part of the plan hoping no one in this country notices what they're up to.
  12. Not my party. I have NO direct political party affiliation. I DO NOT self identify as a Democrat, Republican, White Nationalist, Racist, Homophobe, Crossdresser, Transvestite, Muslim or a Jehovah's witness. Your party? Don't assume what I am with any label. I want life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I want what's BEST for OUR COUNTRY. I am voicing my opinion. I see things changing and we are not heading in the right direction. At this point I might accept a Martian invasion to take over the planet because it could be better then the morons we have now. I didn't like Clinton, Bush or Obama. When Obama became president, I figured give him a chance because IT MIGHT narrow the divide and BE GOOD FOR OUR COUNTRY. NO ONE SHOULD be SHOCKED or SURPRISED by WHAT BIDEN has caused by taking up residency in the White House. It's worse then Obama's third term. I'm not prejudice I hate everyone. I did not agree with everything Trump did. At least he was up front and not trying to lead from behind. I think he tried to do what he thought was best for our country.
  13. They all have the Shi_ eating grin. It's a shi_ sandwich. It must be lunch time and they're lining up to take their bit of the turd. Obama has the Wuhan but there is still hope for him. A report out of the UK claims the death from the Wuhan is less then the death rate from the common Flu. The Wuhan death rate is 0.04%. Obama says he has taken the jab. I wish him well and hope he don't DIE.
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