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Everything posted by tenfive0

  2. I'd like to try to get more out of my E6 (2 valve) but don't want to screw things up. I don't have enough experience with diesel tuning. My truck pulls fine for the loads I carry and it runs on the flat at 63 MPH. So I'll just leave well enough alone. Do I want to go faster? Anything faster in my truck might scare the crap out of me anyhow.
  3. Two (2) stroke oil - 1 oz. per gallon.
  4. It's not even worth my effort to explain because it appears you already have your preconceived notions. I don't know what base you were at? This isn't the place to have this discussion because things could get ugly.
  5. Wow, wow, wait a d*mn minute. FACT CHECK.. I'm a retired Federal Firefighter that worked on a Navy Base. We ran on average 500 plus calls a year on Base and off Base (Mutual Aide) to cover or assist Volley (Departments) Companies out in the civilian world. Not to busiest house compared to some larger city's. We worked 24 hour shifts every other day with a Kelly Day (one day off) every two weeks. We did our own desk watches. We had a structural side and an air field side in our house. Some shifts I worked 20 hours of my 24 hour shift. Nothing cush about it. We didn't get much down time. I guess I didn't kill myself because I'm still here. But, I worked for every penny I earned. I retired from the fire service as a Battalion Chief for a municipal Fire Department. And, I didn't earn anywhere near $170,000 a year.
  6. I like DOGS. Even though my dogs are democrats.
  7. Predictable response. Arguing with idiots will get you nowhere but to the funny farm if you can stand to listen to the rhetoric long enough. When my son was an adolescent into his teens he would argue and could all most have you convinced the sky was plaid when you knew better it was blue. I'm glad he grew out of it but he can still argue with you for hours over stupid nonsensical bull crap. He is still a major pain in my ass but at least now he can recognizes the sky is REALLY blue.
  8. Some people are easy to make look silly. I'm not as dumb as you look.
  9. Pure entertainment. Predictable response. I can tell you what the reply will be before its even given. This is better then going to Disneyland.
  10. Yeah, like we can really trust or believe anything WHO has to say.
  11. Avoid drooling, slobbering and spitting in public. Cover sneezing with the inside of your elbow might work better or just as well as a mask.
  12. Macungie this year. No problem finding a good parking spot.
  13. I said I wouldn't do it but I can't keep my mouth shut when called out in public only after I said I'm done. Your are absolutely right there are "BAD APPLES" and you might do better to avoid them when you notice one in a bunch. Because, that "BAD APPLE" is probably going to turn things ROTTEN and will be less likely to cower when called out in a bunch. I only sent one (1) PM to anyone who thought they were the internet police who was name calling, bring personal issues and differences to a public forum. I do not need to justify myself to someone from nowhere MT when I live in somewhere PA. I have been the victim of profiling because of my appearance and singled out (BAD APPLE) in a bunch more then once by those who thought they were better then me. I usually do not have a problem making them look like to fools they are. Prejudice knows no color. Not to many crackpots willing to bring out the truth about police misconduct and brutality when it is perpetrated against persons of non-color. IT IS NOT A BLACK AND WHITE ISSUE ONLY. I guess, I don't have to worry about hurting anyone ones feeling because those who don't care what I have to say aren't listening anyhow. JUST TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT. I never said all cops are PIGS but I will admit some are in my opinion. If you never met a PIG cop you'll know it when you do. What happened to Floyd was done by an overzealous, self righteous PIG who should have been fired years before letting any of this crap happen. That PIG should go to prison for life for what he did and become Bubba's love toy. The death penalty would be to easy for him. He should be wishing he was dead. What goes around comes around and he is about to get his reckoning because inmates do not treat PIGS kindly in prison. Karma is a bitch and he is going to be someones bitch for the pain a suffering he has caused on others during his career. I am not defending Floyd by no means. He was obviously involved in criminal activity but he did not deserve to be executed and die the way he did.
  14. Who's inciting this shi_? Always making it a black or white issue. What's wrong with America? Where the hell else would you rather be? I'M DONE POSTING IN THIS THREAD!!! ENOUGH WITH ARGUING WITH FUC_ING IDIOTS!!!!!!!
  15. I'm not trying to be insensitive to your suffering. I feel your pain. Maybe the makers of Count Chocula could send you a box or crayons and a Boo-Berry coloring book and a sample box of Franken-Berry for all your pain and suffering. Try living in somewhere Pennsylvania? The Governor marches with protesters in the state capital but forced business to shut down to further his agenda. And, some idiots out there can justify he's means. The state health director is Transgender. And, some idiots out there can justify and would listen or follow orders from someone about heath issues willing to mutilate themselves. It's a clown show meant for entertainment only. Is that RuPaul holding a box of a depicted character (Boo-Berry) pasty white ghost ? I'm not offended. I always hated that cereal anyhow.
  16. They'll be no next years if we all continue to cower like sheep. No problem for me finding a parking spot this year.
  17. I'm sorry for your tears and fears. Don't laugh, I'm sure the makers of Count Chocula have gotten some of the very same complaints over the years but it just been passed off as being another crackpot. The World is upside and selective crackpots get the attention and are being listened too for furthering an agenda. Arguing with idiots.
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