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Everything posted by tenfive0

  1. Arguing with IDIOTS. If this happened in a pretty wealthy and predominately white area it proves violence is color blind and it has no borders.
  2. You haven't been following the trends... In my old 'hood in Minneapolis crime is way down and people of color are rebuilding the neighborhood. They're wearing masks, social distancing, and the biggest bicycling club in town is black organized, though they welcome everyone. COVID-19 is under control, they had a huge Juneteenth celebration with music, dancing, food giveaways, with the local black motorcycle club and other minority social clubs providing security in the absence of the police who have largely been MIA. Utopia? What zip code is this in the old hood? 1 Killed 11 wounded. I don't see a to many people wearing a masks. The police are tending to the injured and carrying off the wounded. It appears they arrive on location and clear the scene (out of Dodge) in 14 minutes with out killing any body. They weren't sticking around for the celebration any longer then need be.
  3. I was at the Macungie Park this weekend. It appears if someone is willing to protect their rights, stand up, fight and push back Emperor Wolf will fold.
  4. until

    I was there this weekend. It appears if someone is willing to protect their rights, stand up, fight and push back Emperor Wolf will fold.
  5. I'm self employed and I do not buy (on credit) anything I cannot afford. Everything thing I have I own and worked hard to get it. No free hand outs. I have no established credit because I do not buy anything I cannot afford. Our state governor had us in LOCK DOWN and determined my business operations none essential. I tried to get an SBA Loan and I was denied because I do not have any established credit. I'm not looking for a free hand out. I'm looking for some help to get me past no income for the past 3 months. Failure is not option so please don't tell me about trying to get business financing. As if you know mine or anyone else's struggles.
  6. Sound like Utopia. So what is the compliant other then the white people? Who's the racist?
  7. I've said it before it most still have balls. Because, you got to have balls to show your face in public if you look like that. How screwed up do you have to be to appoint it as our state Health Director? Just goes to show what a moron Wolf is.
  8. until

    CARLISLE, Pa. (WHTM) — A settlement was reached between the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Carlisle Events on the lawsuit regarding the Spring Carlisle car show. The Spring Carlisle car show continues Friday as the state wants an emergency injunction to shut down the event because it exceeds the 250 person gathering limit. The car show typically draws nearly 100,000 visitors. This year, Mark Stewart, who represents Carlisle Events, says they estimate only 6,000 or 7,000 people per day. Stewart says the Department of Health is misapplying its order and only selectively enforcing it pointing out the car show is happening on 100 acres of land. “Because Carlisle is operating in such a responsible way and in compliance with the order and the 50% limit, we feel confident that the operations right now are wholey consistent with public safety and responsibility,” Stewart said. After an hour long hearing, Thursday there was no ruling. The car show runs through Saturday. So far, the details of the settlement are unknown. Abc27 will have more details tonight at 5 p.m. <<<-snip->>> Comment: Reschedule the Truck Show? It appears if someone is willing to protect their rights, stand up, fight and push back Emperor Wolf will fold.
  9. CARLISLE, Pa. (WHTM) — A settlement was reached between the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Carlisle Events on the lawsuit regarding the Spring Carlisle car show. The Spring Carlisle car show continues Friday as the state wants an emergency injunction to shut down the event because it exceeds the 250 person gathering limit. The car show typically draws nearly 100,000 visitors. This year, Mark Stewart, who represents Carlisle Events, says they estimate only 6,000 or 7,000 people per day. Stewart says the Department of Health is misapplying its order and only selectively enforcing it pointing out the car show is happening on 100 acres of land. “Because Carlisle is operating in such a responsible way and in compliance with the order and the 50% limit, we feel confident that the operations right now are wholey consistent with public safety and responsibility,” Stewart said. After an hour long hearing, Thursday there was no ruling. The car show runs through Saturday. So far, the details of the settlement are unknown. Abc27 will have more details tonight at 5 p.m. <<<-snip->>> Comment: Reschedule the Macungie Truck Show? It was suppose to be this week end. It appears if someone is willing to protect their rights, stand up, fight and push back Emperor Wolf and his butt buddy will fold.
  10. Update: CARLISLE, Pa. (WHTM) — A settlement was reached between the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Carlisle Events on the lawsuit regarding the Spring Carlisle car show. The Spring Carlisle car show continues Friday as the state wants an emergency injunction to shut down the event because it exceeds the 250 person gathering limit. The car show typically draws nearly 100,000 visitors. This year, Mark Stewart, who represents Carlisle Events, says they estimate only 6,000 or 7,000 people per day. Stewart says the Department of Health is misapplying its order and only selectively enforcing it pointing out the car show is happening on 100 acres of land. “Because Carlisle is operating in such a responsible way and in compliance with the order and the 50% limit, we feel confident that the operations right now are wholey consistent with public safety and responsibility,” Stewart said. After an hour long hearing, Thursday there was no ruling. The car show runs through Saturday. So far, the details of the settlement are unknown. Abc27 will have more details tonight at 5 p.m. <<<-snip->>> Comment: Reschedule the Macungie Truck Show? It was suppose to be this week end. It appears if someone is willing to protect their rights, stand up, fight and push back Emperor Wolf and his butt buddy will fold.
  11. HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) — The Spring Carlisle Car Show continued normally for the second day, as the Department of Health took Carlisle Events to court. After an hour long hearing, there was no ruling. The state says the 100,000 visitors over the three-day event are increasing their risk of getting infected and spreading it to others. Before arguments began Thursday, lawyers for the commonwealth said there was a conflict of interest for lawyers representing Carlisle Events. However, deliberation continued as the department argued for an emergency injunction to shut the event down, which far exceeds the 250 person limit under the green phase. This year, Mark Stewart, who represents Carlisle Events, says they estimate only 6,000 or 7,000 people per day. “They’ve limited the number of vendors who come so that there’s one every third stall,” Stewart said. “They’ve taken all sorts of measures in terms of masks, gloves, cleaning, hand washing stations, social distancing.” Judge Anne Covey repeatedly asked how the car show is any different than protests happening across the state. Lawyers for the department recognized the dangers in both instances, but say the state can’t prevent people from protesting under the first amendment. “There’s no difference to walking around an indoor mall and walking into stores, as compared to walking around the 18-foot-wide aisles at the car show and looking at some of the retail items and the memorabilia that’s in some of the stalls,” Stewart said. Stewart says the Department of Health is misapplying its order and only selectively enforcing it pointing out the car show is happening on 100 acres of land. “Because Carlisle is operating in such a responsible way and in compliance with the order and the 50% limit, we feel confident that the operations right now are consistent with public safety and responsibility,” Stewart said. The court will reconvene on Friday at noon. Question is if the state cannot prevent protesting under the first amendment (the right of the people peaceably to assemble) how can they attempt to prevent a car show and swap meet? Just bring a brick and call Carlisle a protest against stupid Government.
  12. Rat? He said. Good luck rats tunneling under my slab. My shop addition was finished three years ago this coming August. The floor is 3,500 PSI fiberglass reinforced concrete poured on blue and brown shale. If anything can dig through or tunnel we'll all have bigger problems to worry about other then just rats. I was considering a permanently mounted or fixed two post lift but I'm land locked and limited for space. If I was to put a fixed lift in my shop I would have trouble parking or fitting the Mack in the garage. Was giving some thought on a single post movable lift until the ARI Hetra lifts became available. If I thought I could afford and was looking or wanted these type or specific lifts at any price I'd have never found them. Just happened by chance. The price was right and they were local so it was a no brianer to purchase them. When I was considering a lift the thought of lifting the Mack wasn't even a consideration. BONUS...
  13. I've used Central Spring in Tamaqua, PA. Might not be any help to you in North Carolina.
  14. Picked up a used ARI Hetra Lift System this past weekend that was used in a local Bus Garage that went out of business. Each Mobile Column Lift is capable of lifting 15,000 pound each, times 4 = 60,000 pound total. Plus four (4) 15,000 pound jack stands = 60,000 pounds. Two (2) of the Lifts are in need of repairs. The previous owner wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. While rigging the lifts out of his closed garage and moving them to a storage facility he dropped them. He dropped one Lift while loading and the other while off loading. It will be awhile until I find time to fix whats broken. I have other project in front of this one I'm currently involved in but I can't wait to not have to crawl around on the concrete floor any longer to work on my trucks and other vehicles. If BIG is GOOD? BIGGER is BETTER!
  15. I'll be sure to take pictures to share for those who won't be there.
  16. I"ll be local to Macungie this Saturday. I have a 8-1/2" - 10 bolt - 3.08 posi rear cut out of a 1986 Chevy PC1 loaded on my truck I'll be delivering to another local weirdo, freak, grease monkey, etc. On the way to make delivery I could pass by the park but the dog won't let me. I'm sure it will be pulling on the choker towards the entrance to have a run of leash. I plan on taking my picnic basket, lawn chair and maybe the old lady to sit a while under a shade tree. Just for shi_s and giggles. I have been planning for the dog walk since last year and I'm not letting anything stop me. The Dog. The Rear. The remains.
  17. I'm not prejudice. I don't care white, black, red, green, yellow, cops or non-cops I hate every "jerk-off and douchebag" on the planet. Some people (jerk-offs and douchebags) just don't get it and never will. If you're and jerk-off or douchebag you know who you are. No explanation needed. I don't argue with idiots. Treat people equally with respect and you'll get it in kind. Don't, then you're just a jerk-off or douchebag. I do not particularly like Trump on some issues. He capitulates to often to liberals. He should keep his mouth shut and just do things without broadcasting what his intentions are and boasting about his accomplishments. He is far better then the alternative we could have had in 2016. Always keep them guessing, actions speak louder then words. If Trump wasn't president none of this shi_ would be happening. Draw and line in the sand with the left (cost) claiming sovereignty from the United States. Surrounded them with our military without firing a single bullet to avoid them from leaving or invading other parts of our country. I'd be willing to give up 6 blocks in a shi_t hole city with a Governor and Mayor willing to do nothing about it and letting it happen. Shut off Federal Funding and give them what they want. Give it a few months and perhaps they'll be grateful and appreciative to be part of our union. Maybe, annex the territory to China or North Korea let them take control ? All invaders domestic and foreign. These guys should be able to handle it.
  18. Next YEAR? They'll be no next year if we all cower like sheep and accept this bull crap. The new normal? Fu_k it. I don't care this weekend my dog is going for a walk in the park anyhow if it is only for a few minutes. Just for shi_ts and giggles. Two is company three is a crowd. So far so good for Mopar Nationals in Carlisle next month.
  19. Governor Wolf's RED light GREEN light kiddie game IS OVER. Pennsylvania House Resolution 836. Pa. legislature passes resolution to revoke Gov. Wolf’s emergency order.
  20. Perhaps I shouldn't make mention but I'll be at a near by local to me Memorial Park to WALK MY DOG on the 19th for shi_s and giggles. The same park Jimmy, Kenny, Pete and I where at this same time last year with lots of other dog walkers. That's all I can say because the internet police might be watching. Governor Wolf's RED light GREEN light kiddie game has ended. As far as I'm concerned the MASK is off and the HOAX is over. Pennsylvania House Resolution 836. Pa. legislature passes resolution to revoke Gov. Wolf’s emergency order.
  21. until

    I'll be at the park to WALK THE DOG on the 19th. I'll be sure to bring my pooper scooper but I refuse to wear a mask.
  22. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/285725059498164/ Not my truck. Found it while snooping around on the internet and I thought I'd share the link
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  23. Didn't think I'd need more ammo but I'm guessing the way thinks a heading you can never have enough.
  24. The fix. I wound up using push lock fittings and 300 PSI Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Hose. I was way over complicated the issue. I took the hose (with the fittings) that was leaking to the shop I bought the new fittings and hose from The old original hoses and fittings on my truck is no longer available. The shop I bought the new parts from said the factory installed hose and fitting were 1940's or 1950's technology. That was EASY. You got to love modern technology. The old parts lasted 48 years. If the new parts last half as long they'll out live me.
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