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Everything posted by tenfive0

  1. Democrats in the majority of most larger city's have been elected and in power for decades. The police are only enforcing Democrat policies. The same democrats that want to disarm law abiding citizens. It's all about FULL CONTROL and destroying America in the process. Don't wish to hard for what you want. You might get it. If they breakup police departments what we'll be left with could be much worse then what we have.
  2. I finished putting the CF back together yesterday afternoon and started it for a test drive. Took it for a few mile run. All the repairs so far (knock on wood) seem to be good. No Coolant leaks. Everything went well but as suspected I have sprung a leak in one of the fuel lines. In the attached picture above, line one (1) has a small leak. Test started the truck the morning. It started and ran fine so I'm thinking the leaky hose is a return line to the tank? Is there a lift pump that brings or sends fuel from the tank to the injector pump? Are all the flexible fuel hose low pressure?
  3. Fuel hose - tank to the injector pump. Before the injector pump - Not the hard steel lines from the injector pump to the injectors.
  4. Looking for a Mack MC. MB or MR grille without the PTO cutout.
  5. I used crimped on fitting and hydraulic (type?) hose from the water pump to the air compressor and from the air compressor to the block. I'm not happy of pleased with the fitment or application. Overkill in my opinion. Way to heavy, unyielding and bulky to work with.
  6. I blew the radiator in my 1972 CF-600 February this year. To all who may be familiar with a CF-600 you know what a major PITA it is to work on any engine components on this specific Mack Truck model. The engine and all its components are basically buried in the middle of the truck with out easy access. I'm close to getting the truck back on the road. I had the radiator re-cored, all new belts, coolant lines, hose and a new alternator. So far all the parts I've replaced have appeared to be factory original equipment and parts. I'm trying to add dependability and reliability moving forward. It appears the fuel lines on the truck are original also. While at it with other repairs and replacements I've chosen to replace the fuel lines. I'm open to suggestions or recommendations what might be best to use as replacement for the worn out and deteriorated existing fuel lines.
  7. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Wolf should be arrested for this stunt. UNBELIEVABLE! What happened to stay at home and social distancing? What an elitist flaming HYPOCRITE. Do as I say not as I do. Pennsylvania is burning while the EMPEROR fiddles. THE MASK IS COMING OFF. I PROTEST! There is no way I'm wearing a mask in Walmart or in public. Let someone give me a hassle about it and it might cause a RIOT.
  8. SIMPLE Refrain all Illegal and Criminal activity. Avoid any and all interact with police because you might encounter an egotistical psychopath (pig) who thinks he's a superhero (out to save the planet) who's going to choke YOU OUT for any given reason. I'm good with that. No looting - No Shooting. Passing off funny money is a Federal Crime but is not worth dying for. I'm waiting to see the statistics and death toll of the rioters who catch the Wuhan Flu? Want to take bets the feds won't be counting because there might not be any. If we were told the truth. Its all a Hoax for the New World ORDER. It will be proven its safe to leave your house and go outside and intermingle with Humanity. Governor Cuomo said the protesting is a good think and it should be encouraged. So there might be some good that comes from all of this. We'll all be freed from the shackles of tyranny because the liberals changed the narrative.
  9. LIVE FREE OR DIE. What is the harm in getting a hair cut. Why should I even be inconvenienced or denied the liberty of something as simple and mundane as a haircut if I choose to get one? I have my own clippers. I haven't been to the barbers since I was nine years old. I don't have enough hair for a $1.29 haircut anyhow. And, I'm sure as hell not going to Philly and SEPTA buses and trains doesn't stop here.
  10. National Guard deployed in Philadelphia? The news is showing them standing in front of the Frank Rizzo statue. WHAT THE FU_K IS HAPPENING? I'm more concerned about the "NEW NORMAL" and why the National Guard needs to be in Philadelphia then I am concerned about a VIRUS. The local news (Talking Heads) ask a Psychologist what advise he would offer. How about this - PHILADELPHIA RESIDENCE REMAIN (LOCKED DOWN & QUARANTINED) AND FOLLOW THE MAYORS AND GOVERNORS ORDERS. STAY IN YOUR HOMES. IF YOU DON'T LIVE IN PHILADELPHIA DON'T VISIT REGARDLESS A VIRUS OR NO VIRUS. Governor Tom Wolf yesterday provided an update on the steps the commonwealth is taking in response to violence and looting following protests across Pennsylvania over the weekend, He condemn racism, OPPRESSION & INJUSTICE. "It's okay to protest safely." What about the OPPRESSION & INJUSTICE of all us in Pennsylvania STILL being LOCKED DOWN. I can't go to church, get a hair cut or work in order to sustain my way of life? Hey AS_HOLE (Governor Wolf) how about telling these STUPID MOTHER FU_KING RIOTERS TO STAY THE FU_K HOME. See how well they follow you lame as_ worthless orders. DO YOU REALLY EXPECT ME TO STAY THE FUC_K LOCKED UP IN MY HOUSE BUT ITS OKAY TO GO OUT AND RIOT AS LONG AS I DO IS SAFELY? WHAT A STUPID FU_KING MORON...
  11. There is no excuse for the loss of life or to reply with rioting. What's happening all around us is a disgrace to our nation. There are good and bad people no matter they're profession. Cops that unnecessarily cause death and those who watch and do nothing is why some refer to police and those who abusively choose to rule us - PIGS. It is no different then governors who have states in lock down over this Wuhan Flu = HOAX. Where is the outrage and rioting over being locked down and the devastation caused as a result? I know I've about had enough and all I can take being choked and taking orders given by abusive tyrants who have chosen to RULE us rather then GOVERN.
  12. Still wouldn't jump in the pool to save a (pussy) cat. Pussies can swim and tread water until they sink. Let the socialists save them.
  13. I agree, Mack transmissions do suck because they no long offer manual transmissions. It's not a laughing matter or nothing to laugh about. Liberals are the joke, I find them laughable and I wouldn't jump in the water to save a drowning cat.
  14. You just noticed? This shi_ has been going on for decades. Our liberty's are being taken away slowly and methodically a little at time in the hopes no one notices.
  15. News from Philadelphia: The city murder rate is at 100 the year to date, the highest it been in 13 years. Apparently the homicidal maniacs and criminals in general didn't get the Governor and State Health Directors memo.
  16. WHAT'S for DINNER? The latest NEWS OUT of CHINA: The Government unveils new list of animals that can be farmed for MEAT, classifieds dogs as PETS. I wounder were bats, cats and monkeys are at on the list?
  17. A few weeks ago, we had one death in our county attributed to this. The corpse was tested days later while in the morgue and the results were positive. The person who died was a woman 94 years old. More recently the death toll was up to (3) three. AS since, I've stopped counting or paying attention. The other two deaths were persons who do not even reside in our county. They just happened to die while they were staying here (I'm guessing) while escaping the scourge. One-person lived-in NY and the other person was from Connecticut. Bill Gates says he can implant or chip (ID 2020) all those who have been vaccinated. Does anyone else see what is possibly happening to our civil liberties as a result of all this bullshi_? China is the model for the new Society. If you descent in anyway your social credit card get cancelled. There are people in China who cannot get on a bus because they have been deemed not worthy of travel in their own country because they have objected against government oppression. Ponder this or give it a thought? If you are not vaccinated and you do not carry a (social credit card) chip will you be allowed in your local grocery store if the alarm sound when you pass the scanner at the door?
  18. Toques and back bacon..
  19. I don't think he/she hasn't fully transitioned yet. You got to have balls to to show your face in public if you look like that.
  20. I live in the Liberal Governor stupidity triangle in PA to close to NY and NJ. It's like a three ring circus. I think between Wolf, Murphy and Cuomo it has become a competition who comes out of this looking like the bigger idiot. So far PA Governor Wolf is the ring leader of the circus. What he's done and doing will be hard to beat. Cuomo so far is close second behind but it will be hard to overcome Wolf. In PA the state health director is transgender. What a freaking joke.. it's hard to take anything our state says seriously with the daily clown show. All Hospital elective surgeries have been cancelled or halted. I can't even get a vet appointment for our dog. I think our health director should have been halted long before the pandemic from any elective surgery. I'm not even sure what's been done was done in a Hospital? Whatever has been done and where it didn't take well. It might have been a hack job to begin with or the totally transition isn't completed yet. Maybe a local butcher, dentist or barber shop in Harrisburg did the job. It's obvious, a wig or hair cut, makeup and pearly white teeth isn't enough to hide the fact something went wrong or is wrong. I wounder how much it cost and who paid the bill? Regardless, I'd refuse to pay anything further or be demanding a total refund. Disclaimer: Nothing against Butchers or Dentists.
  21. Biden doesn't know where he came from or what day it is.
  22. Hey A__HOLES do the WORLD a F___ING favor stay the F___ home if you are F___ING SICK. I need to leave the confines get gas and go food shopping. I assume that's okay. I'm confused, I thought my chances of getting the virus were worse at night. It's okay to escape after 6:00 AM if I'm not sick as long as I wear a mask, gloves, keep my distance and return to Internment by 8:00 PM for bed check. If I get sick as a result of my falter to the gas station who do I sue? Be kind of hard to prove where I might have picked up the virus. To be fair I guess I'd sue both mutually because they must have really good insurance to be aloud to continue to do business. .
  23. How unsafe can it be outside if we kept our social distancing? Shouldn't be to hard to do. It isn't like we'd all be stuck on a cruise ship locked up in a confined space and the only way off would be a life boat. Sink or swim. There is more to this whole situation then just not being able to attend a truck show. We are no longer being given choices. I don't always go to church but I'm no longer being given a choice if I wanted to attend services this weekend. I hope this all ends soon and we recover a better nation, but I afraid of the freedoms I'm losing as a result or some might be willing to give up for a sense of false security.
  24. I don't have anything freshly painted, shiny or worth looking at but I will miss a good accuse to take a few weekends off.
  25. While FOLLOWING ORDERS and OBEYING RULES I'm not leaving the confines preforming traffic stops to check for out of state license plates. It is the least of my concerns where legal US Citizens are coming from or going to with in our country while social distancing. If someone stops while on their way and pitches a party tent in my vicinity and invites 100 of their friends and family we are going to have a problem.
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