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Everything posted by tenfive0

  1. The longer this shi_ goes on the Chinese people might figure it out on their own. It will becomes harder and harder for the Communist to keep a lid on what's been happening within their own borders. Iran has 15,000 dead including Mullahs and Government Officials. (If you can believe what is being told to US on this end?) There is fighting, rioting and rebelling in the streets. True or not I'm grateful I don't live in Iran or China. I'd like to believe there are still some Americans who don't intimidate easily themselves. If China could get away with what they have been attempting to do for decades (own this Earth) with physical aggression do you think they'd try? They have the worlds larges standing army. They have taken over every aspect of our existence with out firing a single bullet. The Japanese knew better during WWII then to try that tactics on US soil. My father fought in the Pacific during the WWII. Who saved China from Japanese aggression? I am pissed off (as an example) I no longer have a choice to go to Sears and buy affordable Craftsman's wrenches. Companies and CEO's in the United States over the years sold out for profit hoping America wouldn't notice to willing Chinese Communist partners laying in wait. I could buy Snap On tools but if you haven't noticed some of their tools are made in CHINA also. So why support them? I suspect Snap On is selling tools at an inflated rate hoping no one notices. I guess I'm part of the problem buying imported Harbor Freight tools I'm a notorious cheap ass so I guess that makes me a hypocrite and I shouldn't be bitching. I accept it might not be perfect in the United States but I have to believe I'm still better off here then anywhere else. Good will overcome evil. Do you think any Governor in China could stand up every day on national TV and criticize their President? The Wuhan Doctor mysteriously disappeared. If don't agree (blah, blah, blah) I won't be part of the audience. I refuse to be indoctrinated because I'm not being forced to listen. If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?. How can sound exist if there is no one to hear it? "China owns this Earth" by their own design because it's been allowed to happen.
  2. For a bowl of rice and a fish head a days pay with a population of 1.4 billion they can afford to pop out masks or what ever else by the millions daily. While in the process if a few of the 1.4 drop off the planet they're just added to the false body count they're not telling you about. But, there are a million other peasants waiting in line for the jobs of the ones that died in the process. Everyone's expendable to feed the machine in the conquest of world dominance. The Chinese Communist Party have a HUGE problem feeding every body and trying to keep them busy, working or otherwise occupied in the process. If the people are left hungry with idle time to long with nothing to do I gives them a chance to think about how much life sucks living under Communist rule. It's all part of the plan. While the resent trade deal is good for US Agriculture and our Farmers we are helping feed the machine. We should be applying leverage holding them accountable for their continuous lies, current and past history of human rights abuse.
  3. Whistleblowing coronavirus doctor at Wuhan hospital mysteriously vanishes. No way, I can't believe it. I wounder what happened? Edit: Another BIG F-ING surprise. China accused of (body count) Covid-19 disinformation campaign.
  4. This is becoming a slipper slope.
  5. TAMPA, Fla. – Officials arrested the pastor of a megachurch after detectives said he held two Sunday services with hundreds of people and violated a safer-at-home order in place to limit the spread of the coronavirus.
  6. Puro Ozone - Now all they need to do is figure out how to fit a person in that thing. I'm not taking the door knobs of my house of steering wheel off my truck. The door knobs might fit but I doubt the steering wheel will. EDIT: Perhaps the Chinese have figured it out. That's how they beat this. No more virus by eliminating the host carriers.
  7. I don't think China beat anything! It's just what we are being told and they're telling US and they want US to BELIEVE. I DO NOT TRUST COMMUNIST, SOCIALIST, DICTATORS OR TYRANTS! You notice you are not hearing a word of any of this out of Russia. Vladimir must have the antidote, cure or the Russians must be immune? He's doing a good job at keeping it all to himself and he isn't sharing with the rest of the world what's going on in his country. Wonder what's going on in North Korea? They are still shooting off rockets. I guess the virus knows its boundaries and doesn't cross borders. If it did I'm sure Kim Jong-un wouldn't stand for it or allow it to save his people. The Chinese Regime has a lot to lose in a populist uprising if it's followers ever figure out what a shi_ sandwich they're all being feed and forced to eat. The United States is still a "Free Society" and it is a balancing act while walking a tight rope under these circumstances to keep it that way. I'm afraid what will become of my country after all this. The freedoms lost or some might be willing to give up as a result for the common good or for a sense of false security. I could go further but biting my lip while holding my tongue. I'm not "BUGGING OUT". I do not want to be compartmentalized. We have to trust someone, heed the recommendations and use our better judgement for what is best for ourselves, family and community. Who better to trust then yourself to what is right? I'll bet that after this is all over or while it is still going on there will be some less desirable types taking advantage of the situation wearing masks to prey on the unsuspected hiding their identity while doing dastardly deeds. I don't want to label or call them criminals because it might appear I'm prejudiced. It will leave to police with an already difficult job figuring out who the bad guys are.
  8. Avoid, because this could get ugly.
  9. I might be interested in the grill if you still have it and would consider selling it.
  10. Just remember it has been and could get a lot WORSE. Safety first. Staying true to the (Mack) forum because the internet Zoning Officer might be watching. Fifty Three - Oh One - 10-23 (on scene).
  11. Here my answer to ZONING. It fell from the sky. Stay OFF MY PROPERTY and if it bothers you don't look. "It's looking good". Awaiting approval. Safety FIRST. To satisfy the insurance company and to keep trespassers and spectators away off MY PROPERTY put up signs, cones and yellow tape. Looking better? Approval GRANTED.
  12. In Philadelphia and NY City they stopped arresting criminals for what they say "certain types of crimes". Still crimes? Sure as shi_ if I went to Philadelphia today they would arrest me if I stepped out of the lines and J-Walked. The Philadelphia Mayor wants to set up "Free Safe Houses" for heroin addicts. WTF? His is up against a fight with the citizens because no one wants the undesirable types such an operation might attract to their neighborhoods.
  13. No, you are NOT. The government CANNOT save me or anyone else from themselves. Freedom means you have the right to do stupid things if you do not hurt anyone else or infringe on any other individuals freedoms. Your given freedoms define your character. That is what makes America Great. I swore to myself I would not get further involved in this thread, but I have a hard time KEEPING MY BIG MOUTH SHUT. It seems others can comment without being scrutinized. If I insult anyone sorry and you can just block me and my content. Just to be clear I'm not an insane prepper, socialist. troll, racist or homophobe as some might accuse me. I don't have a problem voicing my opinions, but I won't argue (to long) with idiots. I've never been accused of being politically correct But, if that was one of my kids who I was paying through college their check just go cancelled and you are not welcome to visit my home until we get a handle on this Wuhan Flu shi_ and this all blows over and clears up. Here in PA our Governor is trying to make up laws on the fly. He has ORDERED all businesses shut down and he is trying to invoke shelter in place. He is getting plenty of push back from our State House and Senate because he has NO authority to do so.. He seems to have forgotten there are three branches of Government. He is doing nothing but creating more hysteria, fear and panic. I have two (millennial) sons who are pissed off because then might not be able to go to work Monday to pay their rent and bills. The Wife (Old Lady) and I might be able to ride out the storm depending on how long this shi_ lasts. No one sees this as an opportunity from some of those who are power hungry in our government to take advantage of the situation to seize the opportunity to take away more of our freedoms in the name of false security. While they were growing up we gave our sons their freedom to make their own choices. I proud of them both for doing what they think is right under the circumstances in the name of Freedom.
  14. That is the point I'm trying to make. No one can know everything. There are good and bad people. Good and bad Doctors. Good and bad cops. Some of them you'll meet will have good and bad days. Some people you'll meet are just pricks out to bust your balls every chance they get. Laws are different from state to state. When I bought my truck it was registered as an antique. When I transferred the title I registered it with a regular tag. To much left to interpretation or perhaps a gray area if you get pulled over. I chose to take away any risk for trouble for myself because I don't want to give anyone cause to hassle me even when you try to reason with them. You can tell some people a lot and other people not much if they have an attitude and think they know it all. Respect goes both ways.
  15. Before I'm doomed to exile I want to thank everyone for their assistance in this tread. I have not tackled the fuel lines yet. I want to get the radiator and coolant line issues resolved first and get the truck running before addressing the fuel lines. Yesterday day while socially distancing from humans I hung out with the old lady and dogs. I choose to show my truck some love. I took off the coolant line from the compressor to the block. I wasn't to much of a PITA. I took the top of the hose off the block fitting. I spun (loosened) the fitting on the compressor with the hose attached to the position shown and then I took the hose off the compressor.
  16. The following is copied from a local PA Notary Website. Antique and Classic Pennsylvania Registration Restrictions: Both types of registration are for occasional driving. The vehicle is not meant to be used every day but there is no mileage requirement. The vehicles cannot be used for work. This means that if you have Classic or Antique plate on your pickup truck, no running to Home Depot for a load of 2x4's. If a police officer sees this, he can pull you over and take the plate. What's my DEAL? Well let me tell you (This is still America isn't IT?) since you asked. No, wait a minute, think. Perhaps, I better keep my views to myself the internet POLICE are watching! I might be displaying ODD symptoms of the Wuhan Flu and my productivity could be questioned. My social credit card could be cancelled. I could wind up exiled to a forced labor internet internment camp. So keep quiet big brother is watching.
  17. I'm a law-abiding society page reporter for a local newspaper in transition from a male to female. Why in the world would you ever describe anyone in a derogatory way on a public forum? My self righteous, loyal, brave and selfless hero..
  18. Displayed what attitude? I didn't mean a rolling codded up POS dumpy looking truck. I mean a nice 1969 Chevy C-30 Truck with a tilt dump body. The guy was using the truck to haul yard refuge.
  19. This isn't helping you in Connecticut but thought I might interject. In Pennsylvania there is no inspection for vehicles registered as an antique. Classic vehicles still require an annual inspection. One thing of note in PA. Don't get caught by the pigs (a cop) hauling anything with a vehicle registered as an antique. This past fall heard about a homeowner who had an dump truck registered as an antique that got nailed for hauling his yard waste to a dump by (LEO) Barney Fife who was bucking for sergeant.
  20. I was trying to remain silent, politically correct with truck content to be true to the forum. Still wouldn't buy a used truck from him no matter what business he's in. He might be a nice guy I really don't give a rats behind. We need to be prepared but WTF is with ALL the hysteria? We all need to wake the hell up. There is a higher being, call it what you will? Let nature take is course. No government intervention will save use from ourselves. These assholes are not GODS or anyone I need to turn to save me if I want to be saved. I'm pretty confident no matter the Human Species will survive. Even without Jack Ma or our Government to save us. This isn't the end of the world.. I'm older in age and I've done my part to propagate my species. I screwed like a primate when I could. The government did to much or didn't do enough. It don't f_ucking matter. I have two Son's I tried to rise them the best I could. They are both hard working and take NOTHING FOR GRANTED. The sad thing is they have no interest in propagating because of what we have become. A bunch or pantie wastes crying and sniveling for a free hand hand out or help from someone other then ourselves. "You never let a serious crisis go to waste". This is an opportunity for our government to do things they could not do or get away with before. I live in Pennsylvania and our Governor has done his best to shut down the entire state. Our schools, courts and OUR Capitial Building is closed to the public. The Capitial isn't closed the the Governor, State House and Senate Members. Do as I say not as I do. I want to know what's going on in there while we're preoccupied by them and not allowed to be there or to look inside.They are trying to pass a health Bill that I do not agree with that could take away more of our right as citizens without any citizens input. WTF and we shouldn't be concerned? Really we are worried about how we are going to wipe our asses. RIDICULOUS, stupid AMERICANS.. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. The governor of The People's Republic of New Jersey just announced stay home, no non-essential travel between 8:00 PM and 5:00 AM. The National Guard will assist if necessary. Sound like a curfew and martial law to me. Well I live in Pennsylvania and I'm beating our Governor will not be out dune by Murphy and get on the TV with all the other talking heads to do the same. It seems like everyone one what's their 15 minutes of fame. I'm all for being prepared and we might be better to error on the side of caution. My local township has a fire department and they are prepared for a fire before it starts. This might be a crisis but it's being manufactured to be a "SERIOUS CRISIS". The world has been through it all before and it will go through it again. History repeats itself. We should be asking? What did we learn the last time and how can we be better prepared? No one knows how bad it will get no matter how much they what us to believe their bullshi_. Unfortunately there will be suffering and some people WILL DIE. I'm not a fortune teller but if I survive in a year I'll might be able to tell you how bad it was. I hope I can tell you how bad it wasn't. We only hear the bad shi_. There are people who have and are surviving this shi_ but we are only hearing about those who died as a result. Remember, we are all here because our great-grandparents, grandparents. or parents SURVIVED the Spanish Flu of 1918. No one has a crystal ball and as far as I'm concerned it's all bullsh_ until proven otherwise. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I'm done with this and might interject back to the topic next year God willing if I survive. I might walk out my door or be in my house and hit by a meteor and KILLED.
  21. THAT IS A TWIST! Would you buy a used truck from this Guy even if you didn’t know his name was Jack Ma? I had a lot more that I chose to delete before posting in my effort to remain politically correct? FTW..
  22. Belonged to __________ at the time and now is with __________, last I knew. WE don't own them we are only renting them. Old Mack's never die they just get better.
  23. Nice, good luck with your new to you tractor.
  24. The Pennsylvania Dutch in my area are referred to as "Fancy Dutch" by the Amish and Mennonites. Not to many "Fancy Dutch" remain in my area as there were when I moved here from Philadelphia 30 years ago. The Fancy Dutch modernized and became contemporary with electric and indoor plumbing. The Amish and Mennonite call everyone who isn't German and Caucasian an Englishmen.
  25. Dit ya sink ya note me? Pennsylvania Dutch are different from the Amish (Pennsylvania German) or Mennonite. Call a Pennsylvania Dutch Amish or Mennonite could start a feud in these here parts where I live. Big difference between the Clans. One notable fact is the Amish and Mennonite groups reject hex signs, believing that they represent pagan superstition.
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