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    Shelton CT.

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    Anything trucks
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  1. Hi there I have a 1958 b81 with the hydro assist steering. the filter in the reservoir, should it have O rings on the top or bottom? when i pulled mine out it just had a thin washer on top and nothing on the bottom. want to change the filter because the truck is hard steering and when i take the cap off reservoir when truck is running its all foam? thanks for any help.
  2. Hi there 1963 b61 are the running lights next to the headlights suppose to blink? And are the fender lights supposed to blink, or blink and run? Thanks.
  3. Do you still have these maxi cans for sale?
  4. Awesome thanks for the info!
  5. Hi there R/R didn’t work still leaks does anybody have a part # for a pinion yoke sleeve? It’s 2.75 O.D. Thank you.
  6. They are CRD92/93 rears.Thanks for the info guys.
  7. Hi there I have a 1958 Mack b81sx where can can I find a parts break down of the axles, I need pinion seals and gaskets. Vin # b81sx1654. axle #’s F/R 11kha556p20. R/R 11kha4134ap20. 815 gear ratio any help would be appreciated thank you.
  8. Can these still be purchased at like a fleetpide, or are they discontinued? Want to upgrade the brakes on my 1958 b81sx but I would need 4 of them. I’m being told 30/30 cans are too big. Really don’t like the parking brake or the fact that no air no brakes!
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