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Everything posted by bobgil

  1. http://dallas.craigslist.org/ndf/cto/3780044582.html I found this while looking around on Craigslist last night
  2. I was not trying to sell them just trying to find what they fit so I could have an idea who to take them to when I get ready to sell them. I think they might fit the Mack Granite as a lot of the other stuff seams it be for them. Brake drums might be costly to ship any way. Thanks
  3. I was at the auction yesterday and found some things in the lots that I bought. Found a some Mack parts new still in the box. A dash (not sure what it fits) and a right headlight for a Granite CV713. I also have 6 new Gunite 3402 brake drums and 4 new 3600 also. Does any body know what the 3402 drums fit? There were some rem starters not sure what they fit but one was marked Cat D8 & a Bendix 700 air compressor. Every thing looks in good condition as if it was taken out of the parts room at a shop that went out of business. Bob Gil
  4. I think I read that a Demecradic sociaty could only last until the majority was able to vote to take what they wanted to from the rest. Well I guess it just ended! Please excuse my bad spelling. I am setting with mom in the hosipital with cancer and using my phone.
  5. wish there was some place to go.
  6. Here are some of the few pictures i was able to get of it and a few others too
  7. I wish I had known you were in town I live about 2 miles from RB and have been over there several times in the last few weeks. I was not there when this one sold but I did bid on some other stuff there this week. Bob
  8. Thanks for the pictures I had no dought that Mike had a lot of trucks I just wise he was able to do more with them. But like most of us funds and time has us at a disavantage. Hope some one is able to fix them up some day. At least Mike has saved them from going to china for scrap.
  9. I am assuming that it has a good chance of going out of the country. A lot of the stuff at that auction goes away. There were some bigger Macks there a while back and they went to Africa if I am not misstaken. Last auction there were all kinds of buyers there from out of the Country and there were a lot of them buying over the internet. A person from Venezuela was paying the retail price and more on used miller bobcat welders, most had problems of some kind and would not run or weld one. Bob Gil
  10. That sounds good to me. Any thing to keep it from leaving the counrty. buy it and I ill see about a place to park it for you until you can come and get it. It would be fun to have setting at the shop. I would even enjoy driving it there. I might even pay for the over size permit Bob
  11. I was looking thur the Ft. Worth, Ritchie Brothers Auction brochures that I got in the mail and found a 1958 MackPull Truck. I was surprise that it has a V12 Cummins and Tulsa DP60 hyd winch. Butt still looks to have the two stick trany Not sure what it is but I am going to have to look it up when I am there in the next week or so. I will take some pictures of it for my self. It is only about miles from the house. Here are some of the pictures that they have listed on thier web site. http://www.rbauction...ba-item-details Bob
  12. Well glad to hear from you and all is well. We missed you at the show. Did you get the future all planned out? Now you can retire? Bob
  13. I hope all is well with him, hope we hear from him soon. Bob
  14. OK back to the question has any body heard from Rob? I have been trying to contact him for over a month. Bob Gil
  15. I guess the bucket truck was cheating but I figured that I would us it since I had it there. Here are a few more. Did anybody ever fine ROB??? I looked all over for him and tried calling him too. I had some stuff for him and considered going by his place but still no answer hope all is ok. Bob
  16. Hey guys great to meet you all and hope to make it to the show again it was great. It was my time to Macungie but I hope to make it again with the family. Bob Gil I am in the front row 2nd from the right. hope these pictures are not the same as others posted I am still driving trying to get home. made my last stop in Florance Ky. now to Ft. Worth.
  17. The Mack factory and the Mack Customer Center will be open on Friday and Saturday. A shuttle bus will transport you from the ATCA National Meet to the plant and museum on Saturday. The Museum is open weekdays normally. Mack certainly does what is necessary to appease our members. I guess it is a two way street, we do what we can to help out Mack Trucks. Getting close, things are coming together, SEE YOU THERE! Doug I see where the The Mack Museum is open for tours 3 days a week Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 10:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. normally does any body know if it will be open thurdsday? I am trying to find the best time to fly in to the aera and be able to see it all. bobgil@sbcglobal.net 817-480-7158 hope to meet some new faces there Bob
  18. Hey guys it looks like I will be able to mack it this year for my first time. Can any body tell me if the mack mesuem has special hours for the show? Last I heard they were only open on one day a week but I am not sure whitch one it is I am trying to figure out when to come up so I can try to help if needed. Bobgil@sbcglobal.net
  19. Now Rob you know that you are not to say any thing that is not politicaly correct. They will be watching you like they did Joe the Plumber. Expect tha camera crews at you door step soon. Remember you in obama land up there
  20. I have a freind that is in need of some 24 inch tires if you know of any please let me know the closer to Ft. Worth the better. Bob
  21. I had some good freinds to help with finding mine. It was a scrap man that lead me to the C model. I paid him $50.00 not to scrap it. then I had to aruge with the son of the owner and finaly his wife steped in and sold it to me.
  22. I have been trying to catch that but have not found it on tv yet. I wonder if I get the right channel? Yes David is a super nice guy and he health has not been too good the last few years. His wife passed away not too long back and he is still going. They did surgery on him last Dec, I think and they have more to do in the next few months. Bob
  23. I will keep that in mind. I have not found the jacket that i wanted yet. I found what i wanted but have not found it for sale since I found it. I guess I will have to contact carhart and see how to get one, I have only seen them used as advertizing or for dealer's salespersons. Bob
  24. I have looked at them myself. Most of the ones I have seen were custom made for the transporters. Have you noticed the goose neck looking rigging they have now that chains under the front of the tractor and then on the fifth wheel of the pulling truck? i guess it is to get the tall sleepers lower to clear over head obsturctions. I was at the local junkliner dealership and there were several of them setting around. there was a nam there undecking some Western stars with the attachment you talk of but he was putting them in special designed locking crates for the freight line to pick up and he said he called them to come pick them up before he left. They must not want any body else to get thier hands on them. Bob
  25. Rob those are GREAT did I understand tha they are embroidered in to the material? They look GREAT. I have wanted to put one of those on the front of a jacket and a big one of the older circle with the IM on the back like was on the front of the AC's on the back. I have people thinking it is a cult sign. They don't know it is a mack emblom. Bob Gil
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