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About Paso

  • Birthday 09/16/1949


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    Saskatoon Saskatchewan

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    Old Vehicles especially buses converted to motor homes
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  1. Thanks for the insight. What book are you getting all these tidbits of information?? ie: the L model ?? You had mentioned earlier about a reference to a book of Mack history. It would be interesting to see some history on these NR or similar models like one of your donors i see has no roof etc..
  2. Hi Vlad my real name is Paul but all forums know me as Paso I acquired a 1977 Pace Arrow motor home from the family of a deceased person. ( friend of family ) This Motor home was sitting on a 1977 Chevrolet 1 ton Chassis with only 13,000 original miles on the odometer. The roof rotted out from sitting and ruined everything inside. The Chassis is perfect and still original paint in areas, the tires all 7 of them are matching ( cracked to crap but still hold air ) The 454 engine and turbo 400 transmission runs like a top. I had always wanted to mount an old body on a newer chassis and can't resist starting this project. I know it is blasphemy to use this NR as the donor but i'm afraid this is the only way this "old look " truck would see the roads again. The only consolation is some of my parts will go to a restoration project like yours. I have other completed vehicles that are "stock" so i don't feel bad using this NR ( some may not agree ) Some others on this site have made Rat Rods and Restomods so i hope to find them again as i don't remember there names.
  3. I will ask Orville the 96 year old that owned all three of these NR's what the top speed was as he drove two of them for years on construction sites etc.. His long term memory is great, most of the time when he talks about the Mack NR he says how much money he earned with them as they just kept going. It is to bad he is 96 or he'd still be driving them, all 3 are seized from sitting, I have filled the cylinders with a diesel and ATF mix which has been successful in the past with freeing up seized from sitting engines
  4. Hi Vlad If you need anything from the power train that I have just ask, as i would love to donate it to your project I realize your quite far from me but if you are stuck and mine is free, we are not so far away. I won't be using any of my power train unless i make a static display of the motor and trans. The picture is the back end of a 8V71 with a Vs2-8 overdrive transmission that i had removed from a bus project i have been working on that day. I see reducing the pictures significantly are a breeze to post on BMT.
  5. Thanks Vlad I will try reducing them even further, I also don't post very much on a Forum i went to daily because it was such a pain to post pictures. Some web sites you go to it is such a dream so i tend to go there to as it is so much more pleasurable looking at other peoples projects or pictures of what they are working on, or talking about asking the question. I'm glad i got to see your pictures keep up the good work. I will try attach a photo i just reduced to mobile small to see if that's the key.
  6. Wow Vlad you truly are a craftsman. That project when completed is going to be a masterpiece and you will be one proud owner. Thanks for the links to the build absolutely amazing. I notice some things on your donor trucks that i didn't realize were stock components from Mack. I appreciate you sharing the history of the NR as you wrote above yes my serial # starts and finishes as you stated. 66Dc i will try reduce the size to see if that is the problem but it says 9 mb and i'm only loading 4 mb so it should work. Obviously Vlad can upload pictures way back when
  7. Okay I read the "site related issues " and how i was uploading pictures is the same procedure as i was doing. I get error message 200 upload failed after uploading for 3min
  8. Hi Vlad Thanks for all the info Glad to see you're 8 years into a restoration. I wish picture posting was working properly as that sure makes for a great forum. I hope to see pictures of yours. It is pretty neat that your truck is only 100 away from mine, however perhaps we are closer yet , as the other truck here is delivered 1/9/45 # 13686. The other is 13692 delivered 1/18/45 The third truck has no plate on the dash but number stamped on frame is 15591 Maybe i will contact BMT as i don't seem to get any notifications either when someone posts to this thread.
  9. Okay i will try one at a time. nope same error message every time sorry.
  10. I seem to have trouble loading pictures to this site ?? maybe i'm too new and being monitored ???
  11. Yes Indeed the trucks are in Saskatoon. They have been here for a long time, The owner bought them from the US army when they were doing the Alsaka Highway. He himself worked with them building the Gardener Dam in the 60's i believe. I was the one trying to sell all three on ebay an number of years ago. The owner is 96 years old. and a friend. You were close 2 blue one green I bought the property from him 10 years ago and they were here. I bought the one you show above via a barter for rent. This one is destined to be on the road again via mounting on a new chassis. I just removed the cab today. It now makes sense that they were recabbed as the owner says they are 1941 but the dash plate says delivery 1st month of 1945. DSCF4264.JPG
  12. I have been a guest for awhile decided to register on this site. Seems like there is a good group of Knowledgeable members. I have had this truck on the property for 10 years decided to do something with it. I have lots of other projects going on some finished some not, and as the saying goes you need to start somewhere. Interesting looking at the manifold on this Mack and it has the name LANDVA below the Mack name. ???
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