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Everything posted by bigmackattack

  1. I looked through all their photos of apparatus and could not find this among them.......I included a link to their webpage. It may have been removed from service before they though of doing a photo shoot of it, not sure though. Still a nice rig though. http://www.greenwood78.org/apparatus.cfm?page=3
  2. would be nice to see it restored, would cost a ton of money though
  3. shazaam, that is cool
  4. That is a good looking truck, love that shade of blue
  5. I don't think I could have let it go myself......feel for you man.
  6. Wow, that thing is awesome
  7. says in the ad it was used up to fall of 2010. I'll bet it runs great. Wish I had the money for that thing. darn!
  8. That is one awesome Truck John. Nothing that nice around where I live.
  9. Sometimes when I encounter a Cummins or Mercedes powered truck I do a "RollingTest" because that is the best way so see exactly what the true load smoke is, and 99 percent of the time they fall right into the Jersey spec without even trying. Much of the problem with the "snap Test" is the fact that some engines need more than the 10 seconds between snaps to stabilize
  10. Found number four cam roller turned and broken. Now I'm doing my first Mack Cam Job. Yee Ha! Thanks for the advice guys!
  11. Pulled the compressor out to look at the aux shaft for end play or bearing noise, found that the compressor was leaking, customer asked for it to be replaced. The noise is in that area and we are going to drop the pan.
  12. We are pulling the pan down today to take a look. The shop manager says we won't see anything, but I believe what you guys are saying is on the money. Thanks for all the advice.
  13. Replaced the air compressor today. Noise is still there. What about the oil pump? That's about between cyl 3 and 4.......noise is very resonated and hard to pin point
  14. those are real cool superdog
  15. I work in a shop where we pretty much work on everything that drives or gets towed in. My Mack experience is limited, I mostly handle medium duty trucks,buses . We have an 01 RD triaxle ,E7 300HP. Towed in with engine noise. The engine is quiet until it reaches operating temp, then it begins to generate this heavy chirping sound from the center of the right side of the block. Using a "sonic ear" we determined the noise to be coming from cyl 3 unit pump. When we torn it down we found cyl 1, 3 , and 6 that the unit pumps lost their spring keepers. We replaced all the unit pumps at customers request. Noise Still There. This chirp resonates through everything. You can hear it in the Air compressor, the turbo and center of the block! Has anyone come across something like this? I thought it could be an intermediate shaft bearing, my gut feeling is that perhaps the cam shaft bearings are failing(spinning in the block) Any suggestions would be welcomed. Thankyou, Russ
  16. Old counrty and classic R&B
  17. Comic Sans MS"]Had a big ice storm 5 years ago, LOst power for 4 days. If not for the wood stove and the small portable generator life would have been tough with the 20 degree days. Technology has it's place, but we all should know how to survive without it
  18. I would pretty much drive anything, however my F150 4X4 has always worked hard for me and never left me stranded, my old 79 W300 would look for places to leave half the time. LOL
  19. For a site truck it looks real good. Photos don't do it justice, but the lines look straight. Would be nice restoration project
  20. Hi everyone! My name is Russell and I have been enjoying this site for months. Many great photos and tons of great advice and info. Although I am a 25 year veteran master auto tech, I have been working in a Truck shop for the last 2 1/2 years and really enjoy working on trucks. Recently began formal training on trucks and attended many diesel engine traning sessons, even got power stroke certified..(big laugh right). Just took my CDL driving test today! (failed ) I goofed the air brake part. I look forward to gaining more incite from all of you and maybe by accident I might be able to give some incite back. Thank you in advance for a great site!
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