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Rurey logging

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  1. YES I appreciate every ones point of view good information . WIll heed much of it thank you all .. Dave AND Randy
  2. FORGOT to mention, got line on 2 more E9 we are going to try and pick up for a song and a dance, one is in pieces but heads have been rebuilt all the rest is good no turbo though, the other is running but has a leaking head gasket Dave
  3. THANKS a lot for the info. No have never driven an E9, thats why we bought it. bought it for 5000$ just to see how well it performed. meny guys around here had superliners back in the day, there are still a bunch still running, the owners all love them. no body claimed they had a lot of trouble with them . A friend has 6 E9 superliners , that hauls logs with. the only trouble he has is finding drivers. Am interested in seeing how it pulls at 500hp compared to the E7 etec set at about the same hp.. Well if every body thinks should not push it, so be it, will let you no when the engine installed in our 92 superliner, WE havent pulled an oil sample,or checked compresion yet
  4. FULLER 18 spd. Mack 4.17 rear ends, I read on the internet about all the great thing this engine is capable of, Canadians run 600HP Aust. run 800 HP in Europe the run 800 hp in there Tanks,THESE are all mechanical engines.. the sled pullers run 2100hp. BUT you dont think it is capable of 600 hp.WHY? we no longer log . At present am hauling asphalt oil from great Fall mont. to Post Falls ID. RUNNING 104.000 lbs have 3 passes to climb. Present engine is a 99 E7Etec set at around 500 Hp pulls pretty good, but the 600 cats and Cummins go around me like I was going backwards.YES do all mech. work my self, on the Etec we sent the injectors out and had the nozzle holes drilled bigger. because they were as big as MACK made them, put on higher out put turbo. Putting out way more than rated 460HP..SO your saying all the info on the internet is BS and the E9 would spill its guts if you turned it up to 600Hp Doesnt make much sense to me..
  5. Just scored a 1988 superliner with a 500 hp E9 engine. What needs to be done to increase hp to 650 hp runs good sounds good ,has 680,000 original miles any info would be appreciated . thankyou ,, Dave
  6. WELL guys sorry to take so long to get back, but every thing is back together, and back on the road, every bodies help was priceless,thank you all ! THe problem all along was # 4 EUP pin broke allowing fallower to turn destroying fallower and eup along with cam, my magnets worked well. replaced cam,all eup fallowers and all valve fallowers and #4 EUP.. and rolled in a set of main And rod bearing just for fun. run well now seems to run quieter and smoother,OIL pressure seems a bit lower,dont no why ? THANK again Randy Rurey
  7. THanks again , we finally got damper off with the help of a 1inch impact wrench,,now trying to get cam out fun fun i made a bunch of pvc pipes 15 inches long with cow magnets in the end, trying to hold lifter up,hope it works !!! any suggestions ?? mack book says turn engine upside down, not hardly practical...
  8. Dear Joey no the pressure from booster pp was never checked,because we were told by mech. at several mack dealers that booster pp do not cause problem and they dont leak from the seals, so when we found out that was not true,just went and replaced it. But that wasnt the problem.YOU talk about a pressure regulator, where is that located?. yes the eups where all removed and the oring replaced twice but didnt pull the roller tapits. bad mistake.. allso missed oil sample being taken for several months. no broken bolts found, all bolts were torqued to lates spec. we still dont no where the fuel was coming from ? WHAT should the pressure be?.. Oh another problem, how the heck do you get the viberation damper and pulley off crank? done every thing book said ,dosent buge, cant find any way to put a puller on it,, tried putting a couple of falling wedges behind it and use a Big Fing hammer to no avail ..
  9. WELL guys, we found a real bad problem,Number 4 EUP distroyed its self the guide pin broke allowing roller to move on cam thus eating the lobe off the cam . now that does not tell use where fuel was coming from , unless #4 eup plunger went bad, there was a slight amount of leakage from number 4 when pressurized, not very much but some !! need a cam now, any body got a spare 460 cam laying around ? thankS for your help ...RANDY Rurey
  10. NO SIR we didn't got ahead of our selfs i guess
  11. Dear guys we pressurized the system, no leakage any where at 70 lbs of pressure, at 75 lbs # 4 &6 EUP started to drip slightly. but not enough to put a gallon 1/2 in 2 1/2 hours in pan....QUESTION, is it possible that the plungers in the EUPS are leaking. there isnt any way of testing them .??? WHAT now? your thoughts. THERE is 350,000 miles on an inframe on the engine,dont no how many EUPs....
  12. Dear Joey : I could not find any 1/4" npt pipe plug any where behind the breather canister, Oh the return line is free and clear !!
  13. THANKYOU VERY MUCH< WILL TRY THIS < let you no what we find👍
  14. THANKS for help, but didnt solve problem, went baught a 500$ lift pump at MACK dealer in Spokane, put on last night.loaded this morning drove from PRIEST River Idaho to Chelan WAsh. approx .250 miles every thing was fine tell i headed home , By the time I got back to yard it had pumped approx a gallon and 1/2 fuel in crank case i have dumped oil 3 time approx 600 $ of 15/40 down the drain. the engine also seemed to want to sputter at times coming back. Some local mech. at the mack dealer in Mazzulla montana said there was a screwed plug in the front of the engine behind the accessory cover could be leaking? any body ever hear of that..what type die do you put in the fuel to test for leaks by taking pan off,and pressurizing sys.. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou Dave
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