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Everything posted by Rmodelwrench

  1. The 9speed is original as far as I know to the truck. If I used the the 13 my plan was to use the use the top plate off the the rtxf if possible and drive shaft doesn’t matter because I took the front drives out so it already needs worked. pulling a trailer would be seldom but would happen. And it would just be a smaller trailer woth small equipment (skid steers, minis) or undercarriage buckets. I appreciate the insite.
  2. E6 300 4v 4.11 rear 11r22.5
  3. I have an 85 r model with a RTFX11709A in it currently I also have a RTLO16713A any insite one which transmission is the better choice of the two I’m making the truck a single axle mechanics truck 33k gvw
  4. Ok I will check on that tomorrow thank you
  5. Ok I’ll check on my trans tomorrow get the serial number and see if it’s an direct or over drive also take it on a little drive up to highway speeds to see where I am at now
  6. That’s kind of what I was thinking would be the best option just didn’t know if there was an easy way to tell thanks
  7. I think 65-70 mph it currently has 11r22.5 on it now e6-300 engine and once a get my bed on it and loaded up I would say I’ll be around 30k my current service truck is a t300 kw with a Eaton 9 speed and at 70mph I’m at 2500rpm
  8. I have an 85 R688st that had no locks in the door when I bought it I’m looking to replace these but I have found two different lengths 4-1/2 inches and 4-7/8 inches is there a way I can tell without having the old one what mine should be? Thanks
  9. Ok what do you think would be a good gear ratio right now it’s an Eaton 9 speed and the rears are 4.17 this truck will see highway as well as off road
  10. Thanks guys I looked at the tag E6-300 the p/o said it was a tractor he put the flat bed on it then ended up with a early 90s Rmodel with only 70k miles so this one had to go i will definitely keep you guys informed on the build and will have plenty of questions myself. Now that I got the rig I want it’s finding a clean used bed and crane I think my best option is going to be buying a complete service truck.
  11. I’m not sure I was told 300 anyway I could verify?
  12. Hey guys I currently have a t/a rig I’m wanting to convert to a s/a I’m wanting to put a service body on this truck I think I would like air ride plus then I could dump bags and have the rear sit lower while working off the back but this truck will see plenty of off road action too so single axle spring or air ride? And if spring could I do it with one of my current axles or would I have to buy a different one i have a friend that has a rear axle air ride out of a Freightliner I believe he said he would sale camelback currently thanks
  13. Hey I just picked up my first mack I’ve always liked the look of an R model. My intentions are to convert this rig into my next service truck it is a R688ST 9 speed Eaton 300 hp E6 4valve with jake brake 420k miles single frame
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