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Macke9500 last won the day on November 4 2022

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About Macke9500

  • Birthday 01/25/1985


  • Location
    Mulberry, Florida

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  • My Truck
    1950 Mack LTL V8

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  1. Manual lift pump on injection pump or fuel return line?
  2. I looked at it. Did you buy it?
  3. First picture in reference is Jim Emerys truck! Rip
  4. Looking good! I ended up finding same mirrors for my LT, brand new luckily
  5. @1961H67 thank you sir! I appreciate it. That’s great you received all those extra pieces.
  6. Good evening, I had bought these V8 emblems from Mr Jeff @AZB755V8 They are better then factory ones I have and are hard to find! Top notch craftsmanship. There are two different types he offers. Chrome and Gold! These are the Gold ones! Thank you Jeff. I appreciate everything!!
  7. As Yarnall said, they are L model specific. Thank you tho
  8. @Brian L Blaylock had to have been early 90’s?
  9. @Brian L Blaylockwhere did you see it? In Florida?
  10. @Brian L Blaylock yes sir, it was. @Mark T it very well could be. It’s unfortunate, most of the truck was pieced together by different parts that the gentleman had, that built it. But I didn’t want to see it sit anymore. Hey Matt, I actually have brand new fiberglass fenders for it. I was trying to source the rear brackets. Thank you
  11. This is when I first brought it home. 26 yr old ⛽️ 😂
  12. @harrybarbon ETCZB1005a first generation E9! A true Maxidyne!!
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