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  1. I'll take the lift cylinders off in a few weeks when I'm back home and take em apart and see if the shop can get me a kit, I'm out of town for a week. As far as the latch ones go, the driver's side is dry and good but the pass. side has a decent leak from what appears to be the top so hopefully it's just a seal. If not I'll begin the search for a different set that will work. It looks like a pretty similar latch to others I have seen, I don't have a picture but it looks the same as this k100 picture I found.
  2. Well since this truck was parked 25 years ago the cab hasn't come up and now won't go up, I was able to get it up using our loader with no damages after I had a leaking coolant hose after its first few jobs. But I need to re do the lift cylinders and latch cylinders because they all leak. I am planning on putting on an electronic pump because I found some for lift Gates on freight trucks rated @ 3200psi for cheaper than a used hand pump. I disasembled the pump and the bore of the pump is chooched. My question is, does anyone know what kit or where I can get a kit to reseal the lift and latch cylinders? Loving this truck and it's a blast to drive. Have it  hooked to the same trailer it has been hooked to since 1984.
  3. Thanks! Hopefully it'll be hitting the road for it's maiden voyage after a laundry list of repairs in the next couple of weeks, I unfortunately do not have any contact for gaskets but a local glass old timer says it shouldn't be a problem to reuse it.
  4. Wow that's crazy, I found both sides for it from a guy on here for a very reasonable price. Don't know much about these models or anything old Mack wise but definitely learning a lot with this project!
  5. I believe it is still there, I'll have to look next time I'm at the truck.
  6. Thanks for the replies, I got a few leads to pursue. I picked the truck and trailer up out of an old guys yard. Hadn't moved in 20 years but spent a lot of time with line and air valve replacement etc and drove it home. It has a small cam Cummins, maybe 350hp? Not sure there is no data tag. 13 speed Eaton and Rockwell rearends. And my favorite is there is what appears to be remnants of factory A/C!
  7. I bought an old 74 f model Mack last year and am trying to get a few last things tied up for it's DOT inspection and I need a driver's side windshield, I have not had any luck finding one anywhere. Does anyone have any leads or contacts? Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks for the replies, I found it under the cab above the driver's side tire under a plate attached to the foot treadle valve. I am new to the older Mack's and was wandering if there is any way to get a wiring diagram for these things? Lots of fingers have been in the dash before me and it's a spaghetti mess, I need to know what it was supposed to be like so I can start sorting it out
  9. Under the cab on the driver's side?
  10. New to the forum but have used the knowledge on here for a long time. I recently got a 1974 f model cabover and I can't get the brake lights to work but if I supply power to the wire off the turn signal switch that goes to the brakes I have lights, so I bet it's the brake light switch, but I can't find it! Any ideas?
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