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  1. I have a customer of mine in Belize South America .he has a Mack MR 688 and had a bad ECM .He needs it flashed and sequenced for his truck .they do not have a dealer in Belize the truck runs but will shut down after a couple of minutes due to ECM codes .does anyone know of a way to get the truck repaired or a Field service who travels that could set him up ? we provide the parts for his unit with regards to the concrete pump mounted to it .just trying to help him out . Thank You Scott
  2. Are you saying that the 21010850 is replaced with a 21090679?
  3. I have a fault code 1700-21-03-02 cannot find anything on this ,please help
  4. Thank You that was what I was going to do but with it being a Renault I wasn't sure I have spoke to them they passed me to specs and tech department and have not heard a word
  5. Does anyone have a good source for engine specs head bolt torque and connecting rod torque on these renault engines I am putting one back together and I am having a hard time finding this info I have a M510 in a 1997 MS300 midliner HELP
  6. I have a 1997 MS 300 engine M510 I am looking for head bolt sequence and torque and the connecting rod bolt torque also HELP ME PLEASE
  7. 1997 MS 300
  8. I am changing the head gasket on a ms300 E3 engine. I am looking for the torque and sequence my local Mack dealer cant find it for me told to old. I said isn't that the beauty of owning a Mack they last forever ?Please Help
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