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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Good to know, it's a 12/2003 build date I think. I'll be careful measuring, may have to pick up a cutoff from similar year.
  2. www.ebay.com/itm/MACK-V-MAC-III-V-MAC-II-Shop-Manuals-Service-Manuals-OEM-Lot-of-4-/182209849582?redirect=mobile Something along these lines. Not sure if your truck is vmac ii or iii
  3. Get the engine mechanical and software books from Mack. They're not expensive, and they have a ton of useful info. The etech motors can be diagnosed with blink codes through the dash, mechanical book tells you how, and the code book tells you how to troubleshoot every code.
  4. Check & clean any sensors on the egr system? According to my books on the earlier aset engines, the computer would only put the truck in limp mode to prevent catastrophic damage to the engine. But that's limp mode, not total shutdown. Check for bad power or grounds to the engine, including battery terminals. I had a 99 dodge Cummins auto that would slip in and out of overdrive due to voltage fluctuations caused by a barely loose battery connection. If you can wiggle the battery cable at all its too loose. Could also check your battery cells to make sure you aren't losing a battery. Computers rely on sensors operating in a very specific voltage range.
  5. We're going to compare those measurements when we go to test drive it. My assumption is that outer to outer all trucks should be the same. Inner I can see fluctuating due to rail thicknesses and quantity. We'll have to make new eagles for the camelback, rust has perforated the left one.
  6. Dad and I are getting ready to go test drive an air ride 2004 cv713 dump truck with 44k air ride. Air ride is a no go for us because it'll be converted to a volumetric concrete truck, top heavy and it'll get some off-road use, don't want to get stuck! We just retired a 1980 DM with 58k rears on 55k camelback. Any reason not to buy the truck and use our camelback to do a suspension swap? Are 55k springs too much shock for the cv713 double frame? The DM has a double frame but the frame under the cab to the lift axle is noticeably deeper than over the rears. I'd hold out for a granite with camelback, but there's nothing else (in this century) in our price range. Salesman sold my dad his first Mack (79 R686ST, still runs most days) in 1986, so we're getting a good price on the granite. Easy enough to get a cutoff with 44k camelback, but if I can use what I already have I'll save $2k. Any other cautions to look for would be great! It has a 427 horse computer engine, I'll check for codes. (I bought the etech books a few years ago, they're priceless. They cover the etech ai and ac engines) and a maxitorque transmission, not sure how many gears. Are the modern maxitorques as bullet proof as our 2 sticks powered by Maxidyne 283s are? Also how easy would the air ride sell here? Rears and all. Located in Bucks County PA. Thanks! Joe
  7. Hey all, I'm Joe! From Bucks County PA. Dad and I run a 3 truck concrete company and just retired one due to frame rot! Outer rail top flange is cracked the last 8 feet, took the mixer off and the inner rail top flange is all rust cancer. No saving this truck! It's a 1980 DM with a 20k front axle and 58k rears on 55k camelback. Never liked driving it, front springs hit your seat hard!
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