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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Hard to put into words how tedious and endless this stage of the project was: getting the donor cab stripped down, patched up, primered/painted and reassembled.
  2. Lifting cab off the truck with our crane. Our crane isn't big enough to lift the mixer off, so we brought my cousin Pete "The Crane Man, Inc" to handle the mixer. We set both cabs in the garage and pushed the chassis in as well to keep it out of the weather.
  3. Pulled the mixer off the truck, and picked up the donor cab, a 14,000 mile gem that used to be a NYC salt truck.
  4. Two 60 ton rotator boom trucks were used to hoist the truck upright while a 3rd truck winched the truck forward out of the ditch, rotators holding it upright til it was in the road.
  5. Picked up the truck yesterday around lunchtime, worked a couple bugs out of the mixer and started running deliveries yesterday afternoon. Truck is back in action.
  6. You change your wiring harness?
  7. Power steering pump should run off the backside of the air compressor. I'm going to take a guess and say an R700 gearbox might fit your F700? Assuming you stay in the same axle weight ratings.
  8. I may double up on the foam plugs with the muffs, lol. I don't relish the idea of banging away inside an echo chamber.
  9. These cones the blow pipe runs off-center, so the cement has to slide out the side of the bottom. Fluffer pad/accesss doors are sharing the bottom of the cones. I'm contemplating welding new cones on the bottom and routing the valves and blow pipe directly out the bottom. They make these aerator fluffer/vibrators that bolt to the side of the cones. Just hard to justify the time and labor on something that is run just a couple of times a month.
  10. We've been getting cement from Lafarge in Whitehall the past few years. Used Keystone for 25+ years, but they were too greedy on their pricing and let Lafarge undercut them and wouldn't beat or even match them, despite our loyalty and good pay. Salesmen have been by trying to get our business back but their sales manager won't let the salesmen beat Lafarge's price/ton by even $1.
  11. Our trailer is a mid 1970's, I forget what year. It has some dents in the cones from hammer abuse from its previous owners. Fastest I've managed to unload it is about an hour, usually it takes an hour and 15 min to get it empty. I may go in there with my 6# sledge and ear plugs and try beating the dents out of the cones one of these days. Newer trailers are streamlined with much better piping, but this one was in the budget and it's steel, so we can weld patches in it as needed.
  12. Link works. Too blurry to read. I want this shifter knob though!
  13. I think there was an orange U model with a V8 being raffled off sometimes in the past 5 years. I'd love to own a V8, but not under this cab....
  14. @petehall12 how's it running, any better?
  15. And is this truck deleted identically to the other trucks?
  16. It would be nice to know what fault codes the truck has....
  17. Dumb question, are your starter cables and wires tight?
  18. This truck is a ***** to work on the engine. I really like my MR688.
  19. https://macktrucks.vg-emedia.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductId=6147 Go to that link and click "View File" in the item description. It'll download the book for that engine. Page 401 starts the Valve Adjustment Procedure. Follow it to a T.
  20. Don't know about other DM's but this one definitely has 2 cylinders cooking away inside the cab.
  21. Frame depth taper is from about 13 or 14 inches just behind the cab down to about 11 inches for the rears.
  22. Here's some DM pictures for you @mrsmackpaul
  23. 1980 DM686SX chugging away at a screaming 1700 RPMs blowing cement into our silo. Even in retirement we find tasks for our old trucks. Our sand/stone hauler loads our trailer for us then we unload it at our convenience. We go through anywhere from 1 to 4 loads per month depending on demand and season.
  24. Interesting air filter pipes on the R model, I knew the rear cab corners were different on Iranian R's but hadn't noticed the different filter housing ductwork.
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