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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Interesting air filter pipes on the R model, I knew the rear cab corners were different on Iranian R's but hadn't noticed the different filter housing ductwork.
  2. So the truck is finally running right. What started out as replacing the heads turned into finding 3 bad EUPs, 2 bad EUP rollers, and one bad injector nozzle. I haven't heard the truck running in person yet, but dealer shop foreman says they finally got it straightened out. When they replaced the heads it still had the miss, so they did a cylinder cutout test and found 2 weak EUPs. One was failing in the solenoid, the other the spring was broken into 5 pieces. I picked up 2 aftermarket reman Bosch EUPs from Metro Fuel Injection im Allentown, dropped those off and told the foreman to pull the rest of the EUPs to inspect. That's how they found the 3rd bad EUP and the 2 bad followers. One follower has a chip out of the top of the cup, the other follower the roller's axle slid and the roller cocked a little bit. They had to weld a long stud on the one follower as a handle to get it out. Back to Metro for another EUP and 2 followers. Got all that in, still had a miss on #3, they swapped EUPs, miss stayed on #3, so they wanted to replace that nozzle. New nozzle and it's running good now. I think we can all agree I got lucky the camshaft survived. For now. Now they're just chasing ABS codes it didn't have before the rollover. Hopefully they get it straightened out today.
  3. IDK, I ran into this on a 2000 or 2003 e7.
  4. Sorry for taking so long to respond. RD model windshields/firewalls leak water and ruin the VECU. EECU is waterproof, VECU is not.
  5. The two hot wires threw me for a loop when we were getting a spare engine running in a parts truck we bought. It uses a switched ground to run the solenoid. So both sides will test hot, but the power can't travel til you supply a sufficient ground.
  6. Measure inside of the CAC rubber boots, if it's same as my '95 RD then two 4 inch pvc pipe caps should fit in there, one on inlet, one on outlet. Mount a tire valve stem on one and pressurize it. Should hold up to 35psi with no leaks, but if there's a leak you'll hear it quick. Does this turbo have a waste gate? Your waste gate could be faulty, which would explain sudden black smoke and low boost.
  7. On the contrary, she's their insurance policy. He's 100% not in control, and if he keels over it's pretty obvious she's not in control either. Whoever is pulling the strings will keep right on working.
  8. You'd need to pressure test it, not just smoke test.
  9. What chassis is this? Probably not an RD600, but the charge air coolers on RD's do tend to crack along the seams where the core mates to the tank. But this shouldn't yield the popping sound in your exhaust, just the low boost. My '95 RD688 went down to 21 psi max til I noticed it had cracked.
  10. How are your oil seals on your turbo? Do you have oily soot in your exhaust or oil in your intake pipes?
  11. I'm wondering if there's a fuel delivery/ignition issue? Loading up fuel in one cylinder from poor atomization in a failing nozzle, or there's a hot spot on one piston that occasionally causes an untimely detonation. Our 1979 endt676 had a slight miss when my dad bought it, wound up being a piece of silicone stuck in the piston cooling nozzle. But that was before I was born, so just anecdotal on my part... Just throwing out dumb ideas...
  12. I know you're working on the Volvo engine, but at the end of the day they all do the same thing.
  13. My 2003 ai350 had a loose EECU fuse. Check your fuse boxes and see if wiggling your EECU fuse helps out. Also check your battery voltages. The vmac iii EECU shuts off around 9.5 volts, so if your power drops notably while cranking then you could just have battery issues. It's possible your alternator died and batteries dropped down, but I assume that'd trigger a code....
  14. Im 5'11" and the backs of my knees start to burn when I reach down halfway down my shins, lol. 15 years in R models has shortened the tendons and muscles on the backs of my legs! The +3 can was likely introduced at the same time Mack went from the steel dash to the plastic curved dash.
  15. Cabs are the same on U and DM. However, the R/U/DM cab started out early as a "flat back" cab, then they updated the cab to a "+3 inch" back wall. They added 3 inches to the back wall to allow more seat room. Not sure how long the U model was I'm production, don't know which backwall our U had, i gave the cab off to someone on here some years ago.
  16. Saw one in person today for the first time. Awful, lol.
  17. The frame rails on my dm686sx are 3/8 inch thick, both inner and outer. So each side has 3/4 inch total frame thickness.
  18. We cracked one frame rail vertically on our 79 R600 at the frame splay, and had a 1976 U600 parts truck. Cut each rail (broken and donor) behind the cab, welded them together and put a sister plate (which the truck already had bolted to it) and everything lined up perfect. Spring mounts, steering gear box, shock bracket, etc.
  19. Largely I would bet the offset cab was to shorten wheelbase for city driving and job site maneuvering. Rather than retool manufacturing for a whole different cab I'll bet they just modified existing tooling to produce the offset and put the drivers feet next to the engine.
  20. U models had the same frame as the R600 single frame. DM had a much heavier double frame, with a tall profile from the steering box back behind the cab, and the frame height tapered to "normal" somewhere after the cab and before the rear tandem. I think they were primarily used for concrete barrel mixers and dump trucks.
  21. I live for these pictures. The Run/Walk one, these people around Biden letting him do this to himself are guilty of Elder Abuse. But I think he's quite happy being used as a Useful Idiot...
  22. Not sure how long the probation period is on new accounts but post a picture when you can of the fuel pump area.
  23. Pictures would be great, as well as more info on why it was parked, what year, etc. I have a tenant looking for a non CDL truck to put his crane body onto.
  24. Shame he never got a response. Does @fjh or @Joey Mack know how? I thought a cover had to get pulled on gov housing or something to get it moving.
  25. Can you post a picture of your old radiator?
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