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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. Just double check if it's a single frame or double,and see how bad the rust jacking is if it's a double. Always the possibility that the frame is cracked and failing.
  2. Is this a short term get you back to the shop or can the truck be left like this and run indefinitely? I don't have one of these engines, I'm just curious.
  3. What was CCRS?
  4. Good luck! Any clue who he sold it to? Any local old timers maybe recall the truck/buyer?
  5. My coldest is probably shortly after high school, zipping up and down the highway at 80 mph when it was +14F degrees out. I had cabin fever and needed to get outside! 1976 Honda cb750. Good bike, still have it but doesn't run at the moment.
  6. Unfamiliar with the MH cabovers, but we have a 2003 MR688S with a 20k steer axle and we drive it 10 below the speed limit, potholes HURT. Bridge approaches are sketchy on the highway, you don't realize how uneven they are until you're sitting just in front of the steer axle at 65 mph. The next one you'll be doing 40.or at least that's how it is in our truck!
  7. Sounds like you know enough about them already. Not sure what parts you think you'll need, the only real differences from what you have now are just sheet metal. Double check the basic items like cab mount bushings, treadle valve, and I bet you'll find a lot of similarities to the R models. Turns out the U model used the same frame rails as the R model. We stole a frame rail off our U to patch into our '79 R, fit like a glove. Mack used a lot of stuff on multiple models.
  8. Runs and drives, no brakes.
  9. Namely, the frame being a single frame and not having rust jacking is a big selling point in my eyes. A cab can be found I expect.
  10. Looks like a single frame, and while the cab floor is rotted out it could be a great foundation for a restoration. "Brakes don't work" it's got rotochambers. Swap those out for some 30/30's. I'd consider paying 2500 for that if I wanted a B to restore. But seller would need to explain that "1 of 3" BS.
  11. There's a long straight hill near me that frequently turns into a sheet of ice during snow storms. Before you go down it you slow down so you can make sure its not blocked off by people getting stuck coming up. One car will get stuck halfway up, the next car that comes up will try to go around them and get stuck at the same point, the next guy coming up will try to go around both of them by using the shoulder, and get stuck at the same spot. Before you know it you've got 5 cars across blocking the whole road. Meanwhile my dodge 2500 cruises right up it at 45mph with the plow off the ground. My single axle Ford L8000 salt truck I have to lock the rear axle and use my momentum to carry me up the hill, but I'm empty and headed to get loaded when I hit that hill, so I have no weight to speak of. One of the perks of the whole "green" movement is they've made cars lighter and lighter. Which makes them worse in the snow.
  12. Yea the one we did the major framework on 2 years ago is the truck that went into the ditch. 😭
  13. Cab is off the cutoff. Hopefully we will get it into the garage on Monday so I can start stripping it down. Might be a bit of a juggle to decide what to put where in the garage. Might make a wooden cradle of sorts on wheels to hold the new cab that my forklift can pick up and move around.
  14. Worst storm I've had to plow so far was 45 hours straight with a half hour nap halfway through. Guy I usually plow for picked up a shopping mall on the edge of Philly with "zero tolerance". It's a constant 24/7 operation, cars and pedestrians all day and restock employees all night.
  15. About half an hour north of Philly. Just some arctic air dropping south for a couple weeks. Jetstream will push it back north sooner or later. I'm running a thread in the "modern trucks" section. Though at 21 years old it's not really a modern trucks.
  16. Supposed to get 3-5 inches on Tuesday, but you know how accurate the weather man is this far out... I'm pushing to get the cutoff's cab off and in the garage before then. We've got 2 weeks of sub 35 degrees coming up, which makes it too cold to pour any concrete. So it'll be a good opportunity to knock out the rest of this cab swap. Our trucks never go out in the snow, but I've plowed snow off and on since I was 18. This year I just have to worry about plowing my own 7 acre property, which is a nice break from years past.
  17. Someone on here said they replaced their engine wiring harness and it made a big difference in engine performance. Said it should be added to the tune up list
  18. Glad you got home safe, we haven't had much of a winter here in southeastern PA in a couple years now. Some cold coming in next week, but no snow worth talking about yet.
  19. +1 on that radiator shroud looking goofy. That fan is way low and tiny compared to that massive radiator. Also, I'm entirely unfamiliar with B's, are the X braces above the engine normal in B's? They've been cut, which is no big deal to replace.
  20. Mixer is largely fine, a little porta-power work, a little welding, and a couple small covers and the mixer should be (almost) good as new.
  21. I had hoped to avoid Plan B on the cutoff, but seeing as we couldn't get any of the aluminum bulkhead connectors to unplug, I had to cut the big harnesses on either side. About all that remains is the oil gauge pressure line going to the cab from the filter housing and the transmission shifter cable. Should get those done pretty quick tomorrow afternoon after concrete, then hopefully we'll have time to lift the cab off the chassis and get ready to bring it into the garage to strip down, patch a hole in the floor, and a few other things to get it ready to go on the truck.
  22. My '79 endt676 we tried a small filter they make that goes right on the compressor, so it had an intake independent of the engine. Still pumped oil.
  23. "one of three" claims could mean a couple things.... One of three that he has for sale? One of three like that that the original purchaser bought?
  24. Old cab staying warm and dry.
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