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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. JoeH

    Best of Trump

  2. My '95 is only a 350, doesn't have that trans cooler thing. Dumb question, is it actually plumbed with coolant or has it been bypassed? Again, I'm sure that's a dumb question.
  3. Coolant drain is a petcock on the lower radiator hose/tube. Approximate location is under the alternator. I assume this is the petcock you're attempting to get coolant out of?
  4. Some transmissions were tied into the puff limiter I believe. My dad talks about my grandpa's 1981 R686ST that would get a momentary hiss of air when you clicked into 5th gear it'd eliminate whatever torque limiter was in effect and give you balls of power.
  5. I love the bug screen on that radiator, looks built for some serious work.
  6. When they break and Mack doesn't sell the parts anymore what're you gonna do? πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
  7. We ran them deleted on our trucks for years. You'll be fine without it.
  8. Correct on reversing relay for the puff limiter, which appears to be disabled. You can pull it off and use that port, be careful you don't break the fitting. You also have another port in the bottom right of the picture it appears.
  9. It's time! I loved the Biden thread, but... Trump, baby!! https://www.dailywire.com/news/exclusive-fema-official-ordered-relief-workers-to-skip-houses-with-trump-signs For anyone hit by the hurricanes in October, I hope you weren't passed over by FEMA because of some lefty activists...
  10. Tip turbine doesn't make boost, it runs off of excess boost air though. Use a port on your intake manifold for boost gauge line.
  11. Beautiful matchup, those 2 pictures...
  12. That was the early/mail in count. Just gotta be patient and let the districts turn in their vote tallies! Trump voters prefer in person voting!
  13. Catalpa. We have a few here.
  14. Still have a couple more months of Biden, just hope we don't have to start a Harris page..
  15. Feel like I'm standing on the brink of doom, too scared to hope for victory tomorrow!
  16. Id expect any reasonable hydraulic repair shop (not just a hose shop) to be able to source you something comparable.
  17. You can rig it up with a mechanical directional valve, no? Is this on that rotating railway dump truck that was started on here a while ago? Is this valve because of the rotating body?
  18. Here's JP in action.
  19. This guy on the right is hilarious, he's a sarcastic right winger that makes fun of the insanity on the left.
  20. Voltmeter across the terminals while off, what's your voltage? When running what's your voltage? Should have 12v off, and 14v while engine is running. Each battery has 6 caps you can remove to check water level and if you have a battery float tester you can check the charge under each cap. One bad cell will draw down all the batteries.
  21. McDonald Trump, 2024! Working at McDonald's so he can rub it in Kamala's face that he actually worked there. Modern politics, it's nothing of it isn't entertaining! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
  22. Fix that trans mount... Before the trans falls out of the truck... You're also getting excessive movement of the engine/tranny in the chassis as you roll into and out of power... It's gonna flex more and more til it breaks itself loose... Id put $200 on this being your noise if I lived closer to you... I won't beat this drum anymore though...
  23. Start with what you know is broken. Fix this trans mount and see if the clicking goes away.
  24. There's a video called "the silent scream" that shows a baby being aborted. I don't have the stomach to watch it.
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