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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. 3 oil filters is the ESI+ (extended service interval plus) and had a 56 quart capacity, with a 25,000 mile oil change interval. ESI was 27 qt pan with 2 oil filters.
  2. The heavier 55k rears are cast iron square; lighter ones were stamped I believe. Post pictures!
  3. Google says a cat 309 weighs 21,000 lbs, a 427 should pull that just fine. These etech motors are only 12 liters, so they won't pull like a 14-15 liter Cummins or cat.
  4. AI-300 or AMI-300?
  5. If it's like the endt676 engines, then how many oil filters you have tells what size oil pan you should have. My one truck holds 14 gallons, but that one has the biggest oil pan/filter arrangement Mack made.one of my others is around 9 gallons I believe.
  6. This motor does not use hydraulic lifters, that's probably the difference in procedure between this and what you're used to. You have to have the cylinder at TDC so there's no force applied from the cam lobes to the rocker assembly. Each cylinder's valves are only in this resting position at TDC on the combustion stroke.
  7. Just to clarify, is it a Mack Dynatard or a Jacobs engine brake? I'm not familiar with the solenoids of either one, but I believe they're fairly different. Good news on the valve lash check. Generally a failing exhaust gasket will have a chirping sound. There's 6 individual gaskets, and to replace you can loosen all the studs and take off the manifold/turbo assembly or if you're by yourself and can't lift that much weight you can leave a couple nuts on and cut notches in the new gasket bolt holes so you can drop them in from the top. If one is leaking you'll have black soot around it, and with engine running you'll feel air puffing there. Our e7 exhaust manifold rusted the mating surface on #6 and hydrolocked, fortunately didnt break anything, had to take the manifold off go weld/grind it back up. Our '79 endt676 over the years always needed the exhaust manifold nuts tightened periodically, and one time broke a stud! Annoying, but it the threads in the head spun right out by using a broken drill bit spinning backwards. I may have had to center punch it in a few places to give it some texture for the bit to grab. I also have a steel dash R model with a 237 endt675 that has a head gasket that's been chirping for maybe 10 years? Its a truck that gets used about 3 times a year here at the yard.
  8. My dad times the old ENDT676 motors with a snow plow pump. Helped him do it once a few years ago, dont know what the process is for the E7. Fill the plow pump with diesel, hook it up to the injection pump. I think the plow pump relief valve needs to be set to around 700psi. The book says to use some special pump to do this process, so he just used a plow pump because that's what he had.
  9. Took me a few minutes to remember the systems name: Puff Limiter.
  10. Doubt anyone set up the pump, the fuel pump has a slave cylinder that governs fuel until intake pressure from the turbo jumps. It is tied into an aneroid? valve on top of the intake manifold on the rear head. These fail and get deleted, resulting in full access to fuel regardless of boost pressure. Rolls coal til the turbo catches up then it clears right up. On this engine the pyrometer should say Downshift at 1125° so you're fine at 1100. If it keeps pushing passed 1125 then change your air filters. This engine setup uses 2.
  11. Don't think so. This spare is a 1981 endt676, same year and engine he's working on.
  12. Pairs on the damper are 1-6, 5-2, 3-4. In 2 rotations you'll hit the whole pattern in order. I'm hoping your spare engine can donate a timing pointer.
  13. Had to take a screenshot of the picture to get it to load.... You can barely make out a 4 | 3etched in where the yellow marker is. That's what you're looking for on the damper wheel. The firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4 is cast into the block above the rear tappet cover.
  14. We mark our engine dampers with yellow marker 1 | 6 , etc, where the | marks that the pair is at TDC. Each pair is 120° (1/3) apart from the next pair. You check the valve clearances in the firing order. If you get one rocker that's got too much Freeplay then you need to pull the pan and check that lifter. All it costs you is an oil pan gasket and an oil change to pull the pan. No you cannot see the cam from the tappet covers. Valve covers (which are a nightmare of plumbing to remove) and oil pan. For reinstalling valve covers, do it BY THE BOOK! Dry, no silicone, no gasket adhesive. DO NOT overtorque valve cover bolts, it makes the sides flare out, and you'll have leaking valve cover gaskets.
  15. The marks on the damper wheel are etched in, you have to wire brush it to see them. Pointer should be on the timing cover, around a 10 o'clock position as viewed from front of vehicle.
  16. Sounds like you have a bent pushrod. I'd be checking valve lash on everyone. Common problem on these engines is the carbide faces on the lifters breaking and then what remains shaves the lobe right off the camshaft. Berry Cams I think can weld and grind a new lobe onto the cam for you if you don't have a spare cam. You'd have to come up with a new lifter tappet, and replace the bad pushrod. Truck could have weak valve springs that allowed the pushrod to come loose and get bent in a high rev situation. I'd drop ol pan, look for tappet face it there and get eyeballs on the cam from underneath. Valve covers and oil pans show you a lot of what's going on in there.
  17. Sideways torque arm? Rubber doesn't have as much resistance to keep spring packs straight, so your axles will tend to wander more. We have a truck with 38k rubber bushed camelback and the tires will wander as much as 6 inches out of alignment backing up in turns. Truck doesn't take long to hit this point after putting new bushings in.
  18. Gas engines have valve seals because when you slam the carb shut it creates vacuum pressure that can suck oil down passed through the valve guide. Diesels are fully open intake all the time, so no jump on vacuum pressure when you get off throttle. People more familiar with these engines can chime in, but it's my understanding diesels don't really need valve seals.
  19. Did the truck have wedge brakes originally?
  20. Lol I was reading service upside down, it looked blurry to me. Somehow I got DOT AV30 out of it... I'm going to take another stab and say Holding Valve.
  21. Looks like it says DOT AV30 on it, so google provides an air volume control. Where was it mounted? Did it have lines going anywhere? What was this truck before?
  22. Tractor protection valve?...
  23. We bought a 1/4 cow last year and put it in a chest freezer. Was about $5/lb hanging weight, we dealt with the farmer who worked with a local butcher. Ground beef at the grocery store is cheaper, but where you save the money is on the roasts and steaks. Local small butcher shops I expect could put you in touch with a local farmer, but maybe the butcher environment is a little different here in PA.
  24. https://maps.app.goo.gl/6ft3umgG2B33qheu6 McLaughlins grocer reviews sound good
  25. Our 79 r686 has about 6 inches of wander. It can get bad enough the slack adjusters can hit the frame rails...
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