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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JoeH

  1. I've got a theory. It's republicans that vote in person. So voting polls are closed and by election night we know how many Republicans voted. But we still have to count every vote!!! Now they know how much they lost by, so they know how many Dem votes to "find". If enough Republicans vote for Trump by mail it may skew their count enough that trump could possibly win. Just a theory.
  2. If they're so dumb, how come they're way up there and we're way down here? 🤮 I'd say I can't wait for election day, but we all know we won't know how much Harris wins by til a month after the election. Swamp the vote!
  3. This engine will be pre CCRS, could there be a screw up on the heads? I think pre CCRS uses a fuel return from the heads, the CCRS heads did away with the return leak off I think. Just spitballing. Or the fuel gallery plug under the timing cover. Those are my spitballs.
  4. Is this a custom made piece? I can't imagine this was a factory production...
  5. I had a lift axle relay valve fail last week, couldn't get air to build passed 65 or so.
  6. My bet is a QR valve failed, but would be nice to have an update
  7. That thing is awesome!!
  8. Someone said recently that the E6 lifter p/n supercedes to the E7 lifter.
  9. Is your fuel rack stuck wide open? I remember hearing on here that the fuel rack can stick from sitting...
  10. I believe Ambach is American Bosch, instead of Robert Bosch. 2 different brand injection pumps were used on Mack engines.
  11. What's your battery voltage when cranking? EECU shuts off around 9.5 volts. If your batteries or electrical system is causing a drop in voltage at the EECU then it can't start. I've been lucky enough a couple times to get my 2003 to fire up with minor assistance of ether in this condition when I let off the key the EECU powers up and takes over.
  12. Electrical is by far my weakest knowledge base. My 12v Cummins is rated around 180hp. Could run a 6.7L as well, I think you'd be fine doing dump truck work with either. I'd bet there's enough "idling" time in that line of work that the generator could pump some juice into the batteries. They're also moving 145,000 lb loads with Topsy on I believe a 9.0L CAT engine. Albeit downhill loaded, uphill empty. I still think a 5.9 or 6.7 could be up to the task of moving triaxles around.
  13. No offense taken, I'm aware they are planning to run a Retrofit option. Not sure how fast they're getting it up and running. I know on pickups they're trying to work with third party shops to run installs. Hopefully they can scale their business fast enough to get a strong bite into the industry. Hopefully they can get their heavy truck retrofits rolling, but I've heard them say they only want to make a handful of trucks to start out with testing in mining and logging. It makes sense, but they're going to need to make sure they're prepping to scale their production to start making these beasts.
  14. The Edison Motors Retrofit opens up some interesting options. Smaller engine/generator combo means you could run PG Adams frame rails on an older Mack. You'd need to do some front end bracket modification to swap in a different brand steer axle suspension. Hood/cab mounts and you're rolling.
  15. I'm a fan of Edison Motors because they're the first logical electric innovation in trucking.
  16. I'm a fan of Edison Motors, but they're going to lose out to someone who can do it bigger faster. They are dragging their feet and want to grow very slow. The industry wont wait for them. They dont have a patent for the diesel-electric concept. Someone else will come along and build their own diesel-electric design and put it into high production faster. I wouldn't use a Mack e6/e7 for a conversion, it's too big of a motor. Realistically I'd bet a 12v or 24v 5.9 Cummins would be a gem of an engine to slap in a Mack, though it's a bit loud. The whole concept is a small efficient motor recharges the batteries while the batteries provide the variable torque needed to handle the differing power demands of the road. A Mack E7 wouldnt be worth the extra weight when a motor 1,000 lbs lighter could do the job. Their logging test they just ran maxed out at I think 400 amp draw accelerating while they have access to 750+ amps. A 1.5L Cummins Onan generator puts out about 50 amps of juice. 5.9L is basically 4 of these, so I'd estimate a 5.9L Cummins should put out 200amps of recharge, which should handle a big rig reasonably. And it would leave me engine clearance in my RD688 to put one of their powered steer axles in, giving me 6x6 drive!
  17. Words of wisdom right there. If the former owner knew what the problem was they would have fixed it.
  18. In case I didn't mention it, the EUPs push over 24,000 psi through the metal lines going to the head. DO NOT crack them to do cylinder cut out tests!! You will poison yourself with diesel fuel. Instead, you just undo one of the wires going to the EUP by loosening the screw and pulling the eyelet off the screw head. Screws are not meant to come all the way out. You will likely get a spark, no big deal. This will turn that EUP off, so you can see if said EUP is firing. If it doesn't affect the idle then it's not firing.
  19. Sounds like there's some unresolved lemon issues going on, it only lasted 16k miles on that rebuild til they got fed up with it. Hopefully some old timers on here will be able to chime in. I'd get a hold of every Tech Service Bulletin you can get your hands on. This engine should be CCRS which is Current Controlled Rate Shaping. Basically the EUPs get fired in 2 phases, an initial one to start the burn and a second phase to complete the full injection quantity. Pre CCRS trucks just fired the EUP in one shot. EUPs are not interchangeable. Heads are also different, the pre CCRS I believe used a leak off line from the heads, the CCRS do not.
  20. Also not sure anyone's picked up on them, but those 2 dalmatians are good looking dogs!
  21. Also being a 2004, this will have the AI350 motor, which uses restrictive exhaust manifold/turbo to create exhaust back pressure to feed exhaust back into the engine when an extra exhaust lobe on the cam bumps the exhaust valve open on the intake stroke. Primitive EGR system that you can delete by getting the exhaust manifold and turbo from a pre-ASET engine. 2003 was the changeover year on this. So you'd want to target 2002 MR688 for manifold/turbo part numbers.
  22. It also means it's likely missing some software updates and recall fixes. One example is coolant can wick along the coolant level sensor wires the the EECU and corrode the EECU pins. There's a short jumper pigtail that has sealant embedded in the wire strands to fix this problem. The diesel explorer program gives you a lot of live data while driving. It'll tell you what your throttle position % is and what the output fueling is.
  23. How many hours/miles are on this truck? Title says it sat for 15 years. That means they parked it in 2009??? It's a 2004 truck, if it got parked that young in its life id suspect this truck may have been a lemon... Doesn't mean we can't fix out whats going on, but it does give a little insight into things...
  24. I second the alternate fuel tank test. Throw a few gallons in a 5g bucket and dip the hoses in. Put fresh filters on it and try running it.
  25. Any codes?
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